How do I find the number of dimensions of an array in VBA?


New Member
Feb 15, 2019
So if I have

dim varArray1() as Variant
dim varArray2() as Variant

redim varArray1(1,1,1,1)
redim varArray2(10,10,10)

How do I get something like


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Square and cube roots
The =SQRT(25) is a square root. For a cube root, use =125^(1/3). For a fourth root, use =625^(1/4).
Based on an old MS page which no longer exists.

Sub Array_Dimensions()

    Dim array1(10) As String
    Dim array2(10, 10) As String
    MsgBox NumberOfDimensions(array1)
    MsgBox NumberOfDimensions(array2)
End Sub

'Code below based on
'There is no built-in function to return the number of dimensions in an array variable
'in Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications. The easiest way to do this is by looping through
'the dimensions and using an error handler to return the number of dimensions.

Private Function NumberOfDimensions(theArray As Variant) As Long

    Dim DimNum As Long, ErrorCheck As Integer
    'Sets up the error handler
    On Error GoTo FinalDimension
    'Visual Basic for Applications arrays can have up to 60000 dimensions; this allows for that
    For DimNum = 1 To 60000
        'It is necessary to do something with the LBound to force it to generate an error
        ErrorCheck = LBound(theArray, DimNum)
    'The error routine
    NumberOfDimensions = DimNum - 1
End Function
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Heres a UDF:

Function arrDim(arr As Variant) As Long

Dim a As Long, val As Long
On Error GoTo Err
    a = a + 1
    val = UBound(arr, a)

arrDim = a - 1

End Function
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Here's a technique that doesn't require any looping through possible array dimensions. It reads the dimension count directly from the array definition itself.

VBA Code:
Option Explicit

#If VBA7 Then
    Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" _
        Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As LongPtr)
    Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" _
        Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
#End If

Private Enum VariantTypes
    VTx_Empty = vbEmpty         '(0) Uninitialized
    VTx_Array = vbArray         '(8192)
    VTx_ByRef = &H4000          '(16384) Is an indirect pointer to the Variant's data
End Enum

Type VariantStruct  'NOTE - the added "X_..." prefixes force the VBE Locals window to display the elements in
                    'their correct adjacency order:
    A_VariantType      As Integer  '(2 bytes) See the VariantTypes Enum, above.
    B_Reserved(1 To 6) As Byte     '(6 bytes)
    C_Data             As LongLong '(8 bytes) NOTE: for an array-Variant, its Data is a pointer to the array.
End Type

Type ArrayStruct    'NOTE - the added "X_..." prefixes force the VBE Locals window to display the elements in
                    'their correct adjacency order:
    A_DimCount      As Integer  '(aka cDim) 2 bytes: The number of dimensions in the array.
    B_FeatureFlags  As Integer  '(aka fFeature) 2 bytes: See the FeatureFlags Enum, below.
    C_ElementSize   As Long     '(aka cbElements) 4 bytes: The size of each element in the array.
    D_LockCount     As Long     '(aka cLocks) 4 bytes: The count of active locks on the array.
    E_DataPtr       As Long     '(aka pvData) 4 bytes: A pointer to the first data element in the array.
    F_BoundsInfoArr As LongLong '(aka rgsabound) 8 bytes, min.: An info-array of SA_BoundInfo elements (see below)
                                ' that contains bounds data for each dimension of the safe-array.  There is one
                                ' SA_BoundInfo element for each dimension in the array.  F_BoundsInfoArr(0) holds
                                ' the information for the right-most dimension and F_BoundsInfoArr[A_DimCount - 1]
                                ' holds the information for the left-most dimension.  Each SA_BoundInfo element is
                                ' 8 bytes, structured as follows:
End Type

Function ArrayDims(SomeArray As Variant) As Long 'Cast the array argument to an array-Variant (if it isn't already)
                                                 'for a uniform reference-interface to it.
    'Returns the number of dimensions of the specified array.
    'AUTHOR: Peter Straton
    'CREDIT: Adapted from wqw's post at:
    Dim DataPtrOffset   As Integer
    Dim DimCount        As Integer  '= ArrayStruct.A_DimCount (2 bytes)
    Dim VariantType     As Integer  '= VariantStruct.A_VariantType (2 bytes)
    Dim VariantDataPtr  As LongLong '= VariantStruct.C_Data (8 bytes). See note about array-Variants' data, above.
    'Check the Variant's type
    Call CopyMemory(VariantType, SomeArray, LenB(VariantType))
    If (VariantType And VTx_Array) Then
        'It is an array-type Variant, so get its array data-pointer
        Dim VariantX As VariantStruct   'Unfortunately, in VB/VBA, you can't reference the size of a user-defined
                                        'data-Type element without instantiating one.
        DataPtrOffset = LenB(VariantX) - LenB(VariantX.C_Data) 'Takes advantage of C_Data being the last element
        Call CopyMemory(VariantDataPtr, ByVal VarPtr(SomeArray) + DataPtrOffset, LenB(VariantDataPtr))
        If VariantDataPtr <> 0 Then
            If (VariantType And VTx_ByRef) Then
                'The passed array argument was not an array-Variant, so this function-call's cast to Variant type
                'creates an indirect reference to the original array, via the Variant parameter.  So de-reference
                'that pointer.
                Call CopyMemory(VariantDataPtr, ByVal VariantDataPtr, LenB(VariantDataPtr))
            End If
            If VariantDataPtr <> 0 Then
                'Now have a legit Array reference, so get and return its dimension-count value
                Call CopyMemory(DimCount, ByVal VariantDataPtr, LenB(DimCount))
            End If
        End If
    End If
    ArrayDims = DimCount
End Function 'ArrayDims

Sub Demo_ArrayDims()
    'Demonstrates the functionality of the ArrayDims function using a 1-D, 2-D and 3-D array of various types
    Dim Test2DArray As Variant
    Dim Test3DArray() As Long

    Debug.Print 'Blank line
    Debug.Print ArrayDims(Array(20, 30, 400)) 'Test 1D array
    Test2DArray = [{0, 0, 0, 0; "Apple", "Fig", "Orange", "Pear"}]
    Debug.Print ArrayDims(Test2DArray)
    ReDim Test3DArray(1 To 3, 0 To 1, 1 To 4)
    Debug.Print ArrayDims(Test3DArray)
End Sub

The SA_BoundInfo Type and FeatureFlags Enum aren't actually used by the ArrayDims routine but they're also included here for reference:

VBA Code:
Private Type SA_BoundInfo
    ElementCount As Long        '(aka cElements) 4 bytes: The number of elements in the dimension.
    LBoundVal As Long           '(aka lLbound) 4 bytes: The lower bound of the dimension.
End Type

Enum FeatureFlags
    FADF_AUTO = &H1         'Array is allocated on the stack.
    FADF_STATIC = &H2       'Array is statically allocated.
    FADF_EMBEDDED = &H4     'Array is embedded in a structure.
    FADF_FIXEDSIZE = &H10   'Array may not be resized or reallocated.
    FADF_BSTR = &H100       'An array of BSTRs.
    FADF_UNKNOWN = &H200    'An array of IUnknown pointers.
    FADF_DISPATCH = &H400   'An array of IDispatch pointers.
    FADF_VARIANT = &H800    'An array of VARIANT type elements.
    FADF_RESERVED = &HF0E8  'Bits reserved for future use.
End Enum
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Thanks for posting your code, Peter. Very nice code and the comments are excellent and very useful.

I think some changes are needed for it to compile and run on 32-bit Office (versions <= 2007, VBA 6 compiler) and 32/64-bit Office (versions >= 2010, VBA 7 compiler).

The LongLong data type is defined only in 64-bit Office, therefore this line:
VBA Code:
    C_Data             As LongLong '(8 bytes) NOTE: for an array-Variant, its Data is a pointer to the array.
should be:
VBA Code:
    #If Win64 Then
        C_Data         As LongLong   '(8 bytes) NOTE: for an array-Variant, its Data is a pointer to the array.
        C_Data         As Currency  '(8 bytes) NOTE: for an array-Variant, its Data is a pointer to the array.
    #End If

and this line:
VBA Code:
    F_BoundsInfoArr As LongLong '(aka rgsabound) 8 bytes, min.: An info-array of SA_BoundInfo elements (see below)
should be:
VBA Code:
    #If Win64 Then
        F_BoundsInfoArr As LongLong '(aka rgsabound) 8 bytes, min.
        F_BoundsInfoArr As Currency '(aka rgsabound) 8 bytes, min.
    #End If

Pointers are 32 bits long in Office <= 2007 and 32-bit installations of Office >= 2010. They are 64 bits long in 64-bit installations of Office >= 2010. Therefore this line:
VBA Code:
    Dim VariantDataPtr  As LongLong '= VariantStruct.C_Data (8 bytes). See note about array-Variants' data, above.
needs the #If VBA7 Then compiler directive to use the corrrect pointer size. LongPtr is a data type alias which is defined only in Office >= 2010 and it resolves to Long (32 bits) in 32-bit Office, or LongLong (64 bits) in 64-bit Office:
VBA Code:
    #If VBA7 Then
        Dim VariantDataPtr  As LongPtr  '= VariantStruct.C_Data (8 bytes). See note about array-Variants' data, above.
        Dim VariantDataPtr  As Long
    #End If
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I tried the code but on line "Call CopyMemory(VariantDataPtr, ByVal VarPtr(SomeArray) + DataPtrOffset, LenB(VariantDataPtr))" getting runtime error 13 type mismatch. Excel 2003.
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If you only want to know how many items are in the array then:
VBA Code:
MsgBox Ubound(varArray1)

If you wanted to get the other count of a multi dimensional array:
VBA Code:
MsgBox Ubound(varArray1,2)
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I tried the code but on line "Call CopyMemory(VariantDataPtr, ByVal VarPtr(SomeArray) + DataPtrOffset, LenB(VariantDataPtr))" getting runtime error 13 type mismatch. Excel 2003.
It ran OK for me on Excel 2007, which has the same bit size as Excel 2003.

I'd use the code by @steve the fish because it's shorter and actually faster than the Windows API code.
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