Access is multi-user by nature and handles such cases more or less automatically - the main thing is that you don't have to worry about it. Generally speaking, adds don't matter much - two users can add to their hearts content. Access doesn't give users a row to work in - it handles this very differently than Excel so don't think in terms of a spreadsheet. Updates (edits) are more vulnerable as it's possible two users could try to edit the same record at the same time.
You can read up on
record locking and
concurrency which is what this topic generally falls under:
You will probably want to use the highest level of locking - don't. Unless you really think users will be opening the database to do the same thing at the same time to the same piece of data in the database, you don't need pessimistic locking. You can use optimistic locking. Be optimistic.
The above article was for SQL Server but explains the basic concept well.
Here's an MS Acess article:
(see the part about default record locking settings).
Note that "no locks" is what Access uses by default. If a user tries to edit a record another user is using Access will alert the user that they will be overwriting the other persons data and give them a choice. This sounds fine to me. One of the user's must be right and the other wrong, but you'll never know which so you may as well let them fight it out. If you use record locking at the edited records level, its safer but might be youll pay for it with performance and possibly with lockouts. If you use table level locking your users will get many messages that the table is locked - very bad.
You probably don't need to worry about this. As I said, Access doesn't have a row that a user writes data in. It's very different from Excel. You must forget Excel when you work in Access - its a database, not a spreadsheet.