Good questions Boller. I should have been more specific.
What do you mean by "existing workbook" ?
Does it mean the active workbook?
Yes - this refers to the active workbook (The one that is currently open).
What sheet has to be copied?
Is it the active sheet?
The macro will start with the active sheet but once it has copied that sheet, it will go to the next sheet in the open workbook(copies sheet(1), then copies sheet(2))....
Does the "new workbook" exist or does it need to be created?
What name should be assigned to the "new workbook" ?
The new workbook will have to be created. If possible,
I would like the new workbook to have the same name as the worksheet(the worksheet that was copied). If not possible just name the first workbook created, "Book1", the next workbook created, "Book2" and so forth.
What do you mean by "go to the next sheet in the original workbook" ?
Do you mean activate the sheet immediately following the active sheet - if so, what do you want to do with the next sheet?
In this case, once sheet(1) has been copied to a new workbook, then the macro returns to the original workbook and copies the next sheet (sheet(2)). This continues until the last sheet in the original workbook is activated and copied.
Below is the code that I tried to set to do this but it errored out.
Dim j As Integer, k As Integer
j = Worksheets.Count
For k = 1 To j
With Worksheets(k)
Sheets(k).Select - would error here.
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End With
Next k
Thanks, I could, sure, use some help on this!