Import Data - Receiving "extension don't match"


Board Regular
Feb 4, 2006
I'm attempting for the first time to get multiple files from a folder to append into one file. The data format is old "Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Worksheet." When just manually opening one file I receive "The file format and extension of 'file name.xls' don't match. The file could be corrupted or unsafe. Unless you trust it's source, don't open it. Do you want to open it anyway?" After opening if I try to change the file extension, the current format is "Text (Tab delimited)(*.txt)"
If I try to just simply change the extension, I receive an error while importing that the data is corrupt. If I open each file one-by-one and change the format and file extension, then I can import. Is there a faster way as I have >100 files to perform this task on a weekly basis. Thank you.
Carin, I missed something in my commentary above. I inserted a backslash in the assignment for XlFolder, but it should be omitted as the backslash is already accounted for in the .SaveAs Filename lines. More importantly, I'm not sure the code will do what you want. You mentioned "get multiple files from a folder to append into one file." I'm assuming the multiple files have a very similar structure. Is it your intention to append by row, or by column?

For example, if testfile1 is...

and testfile2 is...

Is this what the final product should look like...appended by row?
2Appended file results

Or are you looking for a final product like this...appended by column?

The above were done with three sets of code:
1) one consolidates multiple .xls, .xlsx., and .xlsm files into one workbook, with each worksheet taking the name of its source workbook. The user is given a file explorer window to navigate to and select the multiple files that should be incorporated into the working Workbook.
2) another operates on all worksheets in the working Workbook and appends all sheets by column
3) another operates on all worksheets in the working Workbook and appends all sheets by row
For convenience, I named the top level worksheet "Carin" and placed the three sets of VBA code in separate modules of that sheet. Then the first code is run (MergeExcelFiles), selecting which files should be added to the workbook. Then either 2 or 3 are run to append by column or row, and a new sheet is created with the appended/consolidated content. Because the latter two VBA codes use all of the sheets in the workbook, you won't want to run both (2 and 3) in the same session.

VBA Code:
' VBA code below sourced from...

Sub MergeExcelFiles()
    Dim fnameList, fnameCurFile As Variant
    Dim countFiles, countSheets As Integer
    Dim wksCurSheet As Worksheet
    Dim wbkCurBook, wbkSrcBook As Workbook
    fnameList = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Microsoft Excel Workbooks (*.xls;*.xlsx;*.xlsm),*.xls;*.xlsx;*.xlsm", Title:="Choose Excel files to merge", MultiSelect:=True)
    If (vbBoolean <> VarType(fnameList)) Then
        If (UBound(fnameList) > 0) Then
            countFiles = 0
            countSheets = 0
            Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
            Set wbkCurBook = ActiveWorkbook
            For Each fnameCurFile In fnameList
                countFiles = countFiles + 1
                Set wbkSrcBook = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=fnameCurFile)
                For Each wksCurSheet In wbkSrcBook.Sheets
                    countSheets = countSheets + 1
                    wksCurSheet.Copy After:=wbkCurBook.Sheets(wbkCurBook.Sheets.Count)
                wbkSrcBook.Close SaveChanges:=False
            Application.ScreenUpdating = True
            Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
            MsgBox "Processed " & countFiles & " files" & vbCrLf & "Merged " & countSheets & " worksheets", Title:="Merge Excel files"
        End If
        MsgBox "No files selected", Title:="Merge Excel files"
    End If
End Sub

VBA Code:
' Below VBA sourced from...

Sub Append_Data_From_Different_Sheets_Into_Single_Sheet_By_Column()
'Procedure to Consolidate all sheets in a workbook

On Error GoTo IfError

'1. Variables declaration
Dim Sht As Worksheet, DstSht As Worksheet
Dim LstRow As Long, LstCol As Long, DstCol As Long
Dim i As Integer, EnRange As String
Dim SrcRng As Range

'2. Disable Screen Updating - stop screen flickering
'   And Disable Events to avoid inturupted dialogs / popups
With Application
    .ScreenUpdating = False
    .EnableEvents = False
End With

'3. Delete the Append_Data WorkSheet if it exists
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

'4. Add a new WorkSheet and name as 'Append_Data'
With ActiveWorkbook
    Set DstSht = .Sheets.Add(After:=.Sheets(.Sheets.Count))
    DstSht.Name = "Append_Data"
End With

'5. Loop through each WorkSheet in the workbook and copy the data to the 'Append_Data' WorkSheet
For Each Sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    If Sht.Name <> DstSht.Name Then
       '5.1: Find the last row on the 'Append_Data' sheet
       DstCol = fn_LastColumn(DstSht)
       If DstCol = 1 Then DstCol = 0
       '5.2: Find Input data range
       LstRow = fn_LastRow(Sht)
       LstCol = fn_LastColumn(Sht)
       EnRange = Sht.Cells(LstRow, LstCol).Address
       Set SrcRng = Sht.Range("A1:" & EnRange)
       '5.3: Check whether there are enough columns in the 'Append_Data' Worksheet
        If DstCol + SrcRng.Columns.Count > DstSht.Columns.Count Then
            MsgBox "There are not enough columns to place the data in the Append_Data worksheet."
            GoTo IfError
        End If
      '5.4: Copy data to the 'Append_Data' WorkSheet
        SrcRng.Copy Destination:=DstSht.Cells(2, DstCol + 1)
    End If
DstSht.Range("A1") = "You can place the heading in the first column"

'6. Enable Screen Updating and Events
    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        .EnableEvents = True
    End With

End Sub

'In this example we are finding the last Row of specified Sheet
'In this example we are finding the last Row of specified Sheet
Function fn_LastRow(ByVal Sht As Worksheet)

    Dim lastRow As Long
    lastRow = Sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
    lRow = Sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
    Do While Application.CountA(Sht.Rows(lRow)) = 0 And lRow <> 1
        lRow = lRow - 1
    fn_LastRow = lRow

End Function

'In this example we are finding the last column of specified Sheet
Function fn_LastColumn(ByVal Sht As Worksheet)

    Dim lastCol As Long
    lastCol = Sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
    lCol = Sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
    Do While Application.CountA(Sht.Columns(lCol)) = 0 And lCol <> 1
        lCol = lCol - 1
    fn_LastColumn = lCol

End Function

VBA Code:
' VBA below sourced from...

Sub Consolidate_Data_From_Different_Sheets_Into_Single_Sheet_by_Row()
'Procedure to Consolidate all sheets in a workbook

On Error GoTo IfError

'1. Variables declaration
Dim Sht As Worksheet, DstSht As Worksheet
Dim LstRow As Long, LstCol As Long, DstRow As Long
Dim i As Integer, EnRange As String
Dim SrcRng As Range

'2. Disable Screen Updating - stop screen flickering
'   And Disable Events to avoid inturupted dialogs / popups
With Application
    .ScreenUpdating = False
    .EnableEvents = False
End With

'3. Delete the Consolidate_Data WorkSheet if it exists
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

'4. Add a new WorkSheet and name as 'Consolidate_Data'
With ActiveWorkbook
    Set DstSht = .Sheets.Add(After:=.Sheets(.Sheets.Count))
    DstSht.Name = "Consolidate_Data"
End With

'5. Loop through each WorkSheet in the workbook and copy the data to the 'Consolidate_Data' WorkSheet
For Each Sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    If Sht.Name <> DstSht.Name Then
       '5.1: Find the last row on the 'Consolidate_Data' sheet
       DstRow = fn_LastRow(DstSht) + 1
       '5.2: Find Input data range
       LstRow = fn_LastRow(Sht)
       LstCol = fn_LastColumn(Sht)
       EnRange = Sht.Cells(LstRow, LstCol).Address
       Set SrcRng = Sht.Range("A1:" & EnRange)
       '5.3: Check whether there are enough rows in the 'Consolidate_Data' Worksheet
        If DstRow + SrcRng.Rows.Count > DstSht.Rows.Count Then
            MsgBox "There are not enough rows to place the data in the Consolidate_Data worksheet."
            GoTo IfError
        End If
      '5.4: Copy data to the 'consolidated_data' WorkSheet
        SrcRng.Copy Destination:=DstSht.Range("A" & DstRow)
    End If



'6. Enable Screen Updating and Events
    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        .EnableEvents = True
    End With

End Sub

'In this example we are finding the last Row of specified Sheet
Function fn_LastRow(ByVal Sht As Worksheet)

    Dim lastRow As Long
    lastRow = Sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
    lRow = Sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
    Do While Application.CountA(Sht.Rows(lRow)) = 0 And lRow <> 1
        lRow = lRow - 1
    fn_LastRow = lRow

End Function

'In this example we are finding the last column of specified Sheet
Function fn_LastColumn(ByVal Sht As Worksheet)

    Dim lastCol As Long
    lastCol = Sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
    lCol = Sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
    Do While Application.CountA(Sht.Columns(lCol)) = 0 And lCol <> 1
        lCol = lCol - 1
    fn_LastColumn = lCol

End Function
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Excel Facts

Did you know Excel offers Filter by Selection?
Add the AutoFilter icon to the Quick Access Toolbar. Select a cell containing Apple, click AutoFilter, and you will get all rows with Apple
Krice - WOW!

I did have to add the green lines below. I REALLY like the ability to to pull all the files into separate sheets then merging (appending) them together based on column. Is there ANYWAY for it not to include a particular sheet? If not, not a big deal I can work with this nicely. Thank you.

Dim lastCol As Long
Dim lCol As Long
lastCol = Sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
lCol = Sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column

Dim lastRow As Long
Dim lRow As Long
lastRow = Sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
lRow = Sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
Upvote 0
select your Folder press "Shift" Button Right Mouse copy "Path"

XlFolder = "then paste here\"

as KRice advice
XlFolder = "C:\Users\FH8400\OneDrive - USPS\Carin's work spreadsheets\Bossio\Outlook Attachments\"

Forget Environ("USERPROFILE")
I am still getting the compile error. I can use KRice's code. I wanted to thank you for taking the time to help me out. Much appreciated.
Upvote 0
I'm glad this is working for you...and good catch on the variable declarations. For some reason, my system did not throw any errors.

About your other question, it sounds as if you have at least one worksheet in the compilation workbook that you would like to exclude from the append operations. How many worksheets would you like to exclude?
Upvote 0
Give this a'll enter the exact name of the worksheet that should be excluded between quotes near the top of the code listing. If I understand correctly, you're interesting in the append by Column version of the code. Similar modifications could be made to the "by Row" version if needed.

VBA Code:
' Below VBA sourced from...
' and modified to exclude a user-specified worksheet

Sub Append_Data_From_Different_Sheets_Into_Single_Sheet_By_Column()
'Procedure to Consolidate all sheets in a workbook

On Error GoTo IfError

'0. User specifies name of worksheet to exclude from append operation
Dim ExcludeSht As String
    ExcludeSht = "test Exclude"       '<<<<< Enter worksheet name to exclude >>>>>

'1. Variables declaration
Dim Sht As Worksheet, DstSht As Worksheet
Dim LstRow As Long, LstCol As Long, DstCol As Long
Dim i As Integer, EnRange As String
Dim SrcRng As Range

'2. Disable Screen Updating - stop screen flickering
'   And Disable Events to avoid inturupted dialogs / popups
With Application
    .ScreenUpdating = False
    .EnableEvents = False
End With

'3. Delete the Append_Data WorkSheet if it exists
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

'4. Add a new WorkSheet and name as 'Append_Data'
With ActiveWorkbook
    Set DstSht = .Sheets.Add(After:=.Sheets(.Sheets.Count))
    DstSht.Name = "Append_Data"
End With

'5. Loop through each WorkSheet in the workbook and copy the data to the 'Append_Data' WorkSheet
For Each Sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    If ((Sht.Name <> DstSht.Name) And (Sht.Name <> ExcludeSht)) Then
       '5.1: Find the last row on the 'Append_Data' sheet
       DstCol = fn_LastColumn(DstSht)
       If DstCol = 1 Then DstCol = 0
       '5.2: Find Input data range
       LstRow = fn_LastRow(Sht)
       LstCol = fn_LastColumn(Sht)
       EnRange = Sht.Cells(LstRow, LstCol).Address
       Set SrcRng = Sht.Range("A1:" & EnRange)
       '5.3: Check whether there are enough columns in the 'Append_Data' Worksheet
        If DstCol + SrcRng.Columns.Count > DstSht.Columns.Count Then
            MsgBox "There are not enough columns to place the data in the Append_Data worksheet."
            GoTo IfError
        End If
      '5.4: Copy data to the 'Append_Data' WorkSheet
        SrcRng.Copy Destination:=DstSht.Cells(2, DstCol + 1)
    End If

DstSht.Range("A1") = "You can place the heading in the first column"

'6. Enable Screen Updating and Events
    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        .EnableEvents = True
    End With

End Sub

'In this example we are finding the last Row of specified Sheet
Function fn_LastRow(ByVal Sht As Worksheet)

    Dim lastRow As Long
    Dim lRow As Long
    lastRow = Sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
    lRow = Sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
    Do While Application.CountA(Sht.Rows(lRow)) = 0 And lRow <> 1
        lRow = lRow - 1
    fn_LastRow = lRow

End Function

'In this example we are finding the last column of specified Sheet
Function fn_LastColumn(ByVal Sht As Worksheet)

    Dim lastCol As Long
    Dim lCol As Long
        lastCol = Sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
    lCol = Sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
    Do While Application.CountA(Sht.Columns(lCol)) = 0 And lCol <> 1
        lCol = lCol - 1
    fn_LastColumn = lCol

End Function
Upvote 0
Works very well. I tried adding the '0 code to the "Consolidate_Data" code and it didn't work.
Upvote 0
There is one additional tweak needed in section 5 of the code where the IF statement checks to see if the next worksheet name matches the excluded sheet name. The version below should work...I think.

VBA Code:
' VBA below sourced from...
' and modified to exclude a user-specified worksheet

Sub Consolidate_Data_From_Different_Sheets_Into_Single_Sheet_by_Row()
'Procedure to Consolidate all sheets in a workbook

On Error GoTo IfError

'0. User specifies name of worksheet to exclude from append operation
Dim ExcludeSht As String
    ExcludeSht = "test Exclude"       '<<<<< Enter worksheet name to exclude >>>>>

'1. Variables declaration
Dim Sht As Worksheet, DstSht As Worksheet
Dim LstRow As Long, LstCol As Long, DstRow As Long
Dim i As Integer, EnRange As String
Dim SrcRng As Range

'2. Disable Screen Updating - stop screen flickering
'   And Disable Events to avoid inturupted dialogs / popups
With Application
    .ScreenUpdating = False
    .EnableEvents = False
End With

'3. Delete the Consolidate_Data WorkSheet if it exists
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

'4. Add a new WorkSheet and name as 'Consolidate_Data'
With ActiveWorkbook
    Set DstSht = .Sheets.Add(After:=.Sheets(.Sheets.Count))
    DstSht.Name = "Consolidate_Data"
End With

'5. Loop through each WorkSheet in the workbook and copy the data to the 'Consolidate_Data' WorkSheet
For Each Sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    If ((Sht.Name <> DstSht.Name) And (Sht.Name <> ExcludeSht)) Then
       '5.1: Find the last row on the 'Consolidate_Data' sheet
       DstRow = fn_LastRow(DstSht) + 1
       '5.2: Find Input data range
       LstRow = fn_LastRow(Sht)
       LstCol = fn_LastColumn(Sht)
       EnRange = Sht.Cells(LstRow, LstCol).Address
       Set SrcRng = Sht.Range("A1:" & EnRange)
       '5.3: Check whether there are enough rows in the 'Consolidate_Data' Worksheet
        If DstRow + SrcRng.Rows.Count > DstSht.Rows.Count Then
            MsgBox "There are not enough rows to place the data in the Consolidate_Data worksheet."
            GoTo IfError
        End If
      '5.4: Copy data to the 'consolidated_data' WorkSheet
        SrcRng.Copy Destination:=DstSht.Range("A" & DstRow)
    End If



'6. Enable Screen Updating and Events
    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        .EnableEvents = True
    End With

End Sub

'In this example we are finding the last Row of specified Sheet
Function fn_LastRow(ByVal Sht As Worksheet)

    Dim lastRow As Long
    Dim lRow As Long
    lastRow = Sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
    lRow = Sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
    Do While Application.CountA(Sht.Rows(lRow)) = 0 And lRow <> 1
        lRow = lRow - 1
    fn_LastRow = lRow

End Function

'In this example we are finding the last column of specified Sheet
Function fn_LastColumn(ByVal Sht As Worksheet)

    Dim lastCol As Long
    Dim lCol As Long
    lastCol = Sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
    lCol = Sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
    Do While Application.CountA(Sht.Columns(lCol)) = 0 And lCol <> 1
        lCol = lCol - 1
    fn_LastColumn = lCol

End Function
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You're a genius! Thank you for explaining things in a simple manner. Half the time I'm getting great advice but I wouldn't know because I don't understand everything that the power users know (hence needing this site :) ) You were awesome. Thank you again.
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You're quite welcome and thanks for the feedback...I'm happy to help.
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