increasing invoice number when form is opened


New Member
Sep 27, 2002
I designed an invoice. every thing is ready to go but, I don't know how to formulate the cell that contains the invoice number to increase the number by one whenever the invoice is opened.
HELP!!!!!!Is this possible????
This message was edited by jody2 on 2002-09-28 14:36

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Al, The thing is that I kinda self taught myself and I've never used macro and I kind of need a more detailed explaination on how to do this. The invioce number is in I2. Please help with a formula. Thankx.
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The theory:
Number = Number + 1

The implementation:

You would want to put the code in Workbook_Open, I guess.

personally, I think the actual number should be saved to a network location, so all computers (present and future) can access it.

Perhaps a shared workbook that captures a few essentials about the invoice.

(No, I don't have any code on this.)

If you are dealing with merged cells, within Excel 97, further refinement is needed, but this should help 95% of the situations.
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Jody, no problem being self taught, you'd be surprised at how many people here are self taught. This is a great place to learn.

A formula you say. Humm that may be a tough one. You could set up Sheet2 as a log of all invoices. Put the invoice number in Column A and details in other columns. Then put in I2 on sheet1. =COUNT(Sheet2!A:A) Assuming your first invoice is #1. If you have alpha numeric numbering try something like ="B"&COUNT(Sheet1!A:A)+100 You would need to update the log sheet after completing each invoice. This is all extra work. But macros could be written to automate it.

Setting the invoice number by a macro is easy to set up. Press Alt + F11 at the same time or right click the sheet tab and select view code.

There are different types of modules in which to place code. Workbook which will activate a macro at events like open, close, save. worksheet modules which will hold macros for events like sheet change, Activate, etc. and general modules for other macros.

Now that you are in the VBA editor you will see a screen on the left hand side called Project-VBA project, if this is not visible press Ctrl + R
Doubleclick on Workbook icon from the Project screen.
A window will open on the right
Paste this code into the window

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    Range("I2").Value = Range("I2").Value + 1
End Sub

This will cause I2 to increase by one everytime the file is opened.

There is two dropdown boxes at the top of this screen.
Select the first bow and select workbook
go to the second dropdown box and you will see many other events that can be coded.

Hope this helps.
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Hi Jody2

There are sites that have ready made wkbks that autonumber

Dave Hawley

Im sure theres more sorry if i forgot you but these are our MrExcel MVPs sites


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