Inserting 200 rows in 50 worksheets


New Member
Feb 17, 2016
I need to insert about 200 rows at three different places in each worksheet of an excel file that contains roughly 50 worksheets. The inserted rows should be in a certain format, like the following:


So what I need to do is to insert around 200 copies of row 74 at three places in all worksheets, for example below row 74, then below row 279 and then below row 484.
If I do this for more than 6 worksheets grouped together, excel will give the following error message:


When I select all worksheets together, I can only insert a maximum of 15 rows without crashing excel.

Since I have to repeat this for about 20 similar excel files each containing as well around 50 worksheets, both of the procedures mentioned above will take way too much time. Is there an easier way to accomplish this (maybe with a macro in VBA)?

Thank you very much!

Excel Facts

Can you AutoAverage in Excel?
There is a drop-down next to the AutoSum symbol. Open the drop-down to choose AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, or MIN
Maybe you can try this macro.
The steps:
Run macro Try1
Do your 'copy insert paste' to some grouped sheets.
Run macro Try2

Sub Try1()
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End Sub

Sub try2()
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

End Sub
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thank you for the quick reply! I tried the macros as you described, but when I insert too many rows, Excel will still return that there is "not enough memory to complete this action" (see error message from original post). Could I try something else? Or is it just "too much" for a 32-bit version of Excel?
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Sub CopyRows() Dim xSheets As Variant
 xSheets = Array("Foglio1", "Foglio2", "Foglio3", "Foglio4")
 For x1 = 0 To UBound(xSheets)
  xS = xSheets(x1)
  With Sheets(xS)
  'rows to be copied
  'lines to paste (move the rest down)
   .Rows("75:275").Insert Shift:=xlDown
   .Rows("279:479").Insert Shift:=xlDown
   .Rows("484:684").Insert Shift:=xlDown
  End With
 Next x1
End Sub

try like this
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