Lets say i have an equation y = aX1 + bX2 + cX3 + d
When i use the linest function eg, =linest(a2:a10, b2:d10, false , false) , if i enter this in 1 cell i would only get 1 of the coefficients. But if i enter it in a highlighed range of 4 cells i would get all 4.
My question is: Is there a way I can get linest to output a chosen coefficient into 1 cell? eg ( i only want the coefficient 'c' output)
When i use the linest function eg, =linest(a2:a10, b2:d10, false , false) , if i enter this in 1 cell i would only get 1 of the coefficients. But if i enter it in a highlighed range of 4 cells i would get all 4.
My question is: Is there a way I can get linest to output a chosen coefficient into 1 cell? eg ( i only want the coefficient 'c' output)