Link to a number entered in a cell!


Board Regular
Jan 17, 2005

What i am trying to do is i have a cell C4. This is where i am going to input a number. These numbers reside on a column B. They also reside on another sheet in the workbookWhat i want to do is when i enter a number into C4 it will automatically go find the row this number is on, on another. Any ideas?

I want to find a value on the current sheet and once entered in it links you to it on another sheet! A macro!

Cheers thanks!

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The =SQRT(25) is a square root. For a cube root, use =125^(1/3). For a fourth root, use =625^(1/4).

Try something like:


in an adjascent cell.
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Cheers!I have tried with a find Macro - Variable!

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "939712"
Selection.Find(What:="939712", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
I tried Recording a find Macro with a cell value being entered but i want to keep the cell value of H3 as a variable rather than a constant!

I recorded a Macro but for the number 939712 i want to set this as a variable value. When i run the macro the number i enter in H3 will be found on the SCHEDULE2 sheet!
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Did you try the formula I posted? Adapted for your sheet it should read:


If this should work for you , I would prefere it rather than a macro.
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I did but i had no look with it. You understand what i am trying to do with the code. It is rather than have the value as a constant to adjust this as variable. I am not a VB programmer so i am having issue with this.
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I did but i had no look with it. You understand what i am trying to do with the code. It is rather than have the value as a constant to adjust this as variable. I am not a VB programmer so i am having issue with this.
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I did but i had no look with it. You understand what i am trying to do with the code. It is rather than have the value as a constant to adjust this as variable. I am not a VB programmer so i am having issue with this.
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I did but i had no look with it. You understand what i am trying to do with the code. It is rather than have the value as a constant to adjust this as variable. I am not a VB programmer so i am having issue with this.
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Cheers!But still no luck

I did but i had no look with it. You understand what i am trying to do with the code. It is rather than have the value as a constant to adjust this as variable. I am not a VB programmer so i am having issue with this.
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Cheers!But still no luck

I did but i had no look with it. You understand what i am trying to do with the code. It is rather than have the value as a constant to adjust this as variable. I am not a VB programmer so i am having issue with this.
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