Acrobat made the pdf format so it is easy to view, but hard to do anything else with unless you edit it with the full expensive Acrobat package. Most programmers discourage uses from even going near pdf's. Only people who don't know any better use that format.
You can convert new versions of Excel to pdf's with the optional Acrobat Distiller that docks into the Excel toolbar. And, the new Version 12 of Office will have this built-in. But, as many programmers think pdf's are crap; many of us only use it when we must and not by choice!
You just can't do much with a pdf other than view it!
NateO, has some code that takes the pdf and pushes it around as an rtf to a doc then to Excel: [I have not used it! And, do not know how to use it.]
Sub PullWordTables1()
Dim wrdObj As Object, tbl As Object
Dim ws As Worksheet, i As Long
On Error GoTo 1
Set wrdObj = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each tbl In wrdObj.activedocument.tables
i = i + 1
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
Set ws = .Add(, .Item(.Count))
End With
With ws
.Range("a1").PasteSpecial xlValues
Application.CutCopyMode = False
.Cells.Replace What:="/", Replacement:=vbNullString
.Name = "Table " & i
End With
Set ws = Nothing
Set wrdObj = Nothing
If CBool(Err.Number) Then _
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
This back-door product will convert pdf's without the use of Acrobat, I have not used it, but know others who have:
It works by converting the pdf to a Word doc from there you can pull it into Excel [the product can do this automatically for you directly as well!]. I normally don't post links to products, that are not free, but all pdf editors seem to cost a lot and this one is a fraction of the Acrobat cost, 2 versions $50 & $100. I use the full Acrobat package [new version is the lowest priced pro version ever at about: $500 for Acrobat 7 Pro.], just updated to the new version, to modify pdf's, but, ask users not to send me data in that format!