List formulas mysteriously going to #VALUE...


Board Regular
Jan 8, 2010
... but if I put the cursor in the top of a column and then put the cursor at the beginning of the formula and press ENTER I am asked if I want the formula to be copied down the column. After this, everything is as expected.

What causes this? How can I prevent it? The formulas are right so I don't know how to get around it....


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class="xl39">Jan Actual</td> <td class="xl29">Feb Actual</td> <td class="xl29">Mar Actual</td> </tr> <tr height="13"> <td class="xl38" x:num="38719.0" align="right" height="13">Jan 03 2010</td> <td class="xl34"> Check </td> <td class="xl32" x:num="101.0">101</td> <td class="xl42" x:num="-35.0" align="right"> (35.00)</td> <td class="xl40" x:num="-35.0" align="right">(35.00)</td> <td class="xl40"></td> <td class="xl40" align="center">#VALUE!</td> </tr> <tr height="13"> <td class="xl38" x:num="38719.0" align="right" height="13">Jan 03 2010</td> <td class="xl35"> Deposit </td> <td class="xl32" x:num="102.0">102</td> <td class="xl42" x:num="-50.0" align="right"> (50.00)</td> <td class="xl40" x:num="-50.0" align="right">(50.00)</td> <td class="xl28"></td> <td class="xl28" align="center">#VALUE!</td> </tr> <tr height="13"> <td class="xl38" x:num="38807.0" align="right" height="13">Apr 01 2010</td> <td class="xl35"> Check </td> <td class="xl32" x:num="103.0">103</td> <td class="xl42" x:num="-75.0" align="right"> (75.00)</td> <td class="xl40"></td> <td class="xl28"></td> <td class="xl28" align="center">#VALUE!</td> </tr> <tr height="13"> <td class="xl38" x:num="38837.0" align="right" height="13">May 01 2010</td> <td class="xl35"> Deposit </td> <td class="xl32">-</td> <td class="xl42" x:num="100.0" align="right"> 100.00 </td> <td class="xl40"></td> <td class="xl28"></td> <td class="xl28" align="center">#VALUE!</td> </tr> <tr height="13"> <td class="xl38" x:num="38902.0" align="right" height="13">Jul 05 2010</td> <td class="xl35"> Debit Card </td> <td class="xl32">-</td> <td class="xl42" x:num="-133.0" align="right"> (133.00)</td> <td class="xl40"></td> <td class="xl28"></td> <td class="xl28" align="center">#VALUE!</td> </tr> <tr height="13"> <td class="xl38" x:num="38776.0" align="right" height="13">Mar 01 2010</td> <td class="xl33">Check</td> <td class="xl30">104</td> <td class="xl43" x:num="-75.0"> (75.00)</td> <td class="xl40"></td> <td class="xl28"></td> <td class="xl28" align="center">#VALUE!</td> </tr> <tr height="13"> <td class="xl38" x:num="38779.0" align="right" height="13">Mar 04 2010</td> <td class="xl33">Deposit</td> <td class="xl30"> </td> <td class="xl43" x:num="200.0"> 200.00 </td> <td class="xl40"></td> <td class="xl28"></td> <td class="xl28" align="center">#VALUE!</td> </tr> <tr style="" height="13"> <td class="xl38" x:num="38846.0" align="right" height="13">May 10 2010</td> <td class="xl33">Check</td> <td class="xl30">105</td> <td class="xl43" x:num="-74.0"> (74.00)</td> <td class="xl40"></td> <td class="xl28"></td> <td class="xl28" align="center">#VALUE!</td> </tr> <tr height="13"> <td class="xl38" x:num="38841.0" align="right" height="13">May 05 2010</td> <td class="xl33">Check</td> <td class="xl30">106</td> <td class="xl43" x:num="-36.0"> (36.00)</td> <td class="xl40"></td> <td class="xl28"></td> <td class="xl28" align="center">#VALUE!</td> </tr> <tr height="13"> <td class="xl38" x:num="38757.0" align="right" height="13">Feb 10 2010</td> <td class="xl33">Check</td> <td class="xl30">107</td> <td class="xl43" x:num="-50.0"> (50.00)</td> <td class="xl40"></td> <td class="xl28" x:num="-50.0" align="right">(50.00)</td> <td class="xl28" align="center">#VALUE!</td> </tr> <tr height="13"> <td class="xl38" x:num="38719.0" align="right" height="13">Jan 03 2010</td> <td class="xl33">Check</td> <td class="xl30">108</td> <td class="xl43" x:num="-56.0"> (56.00)</td> <td class="xl40" x:num="-56.0" align="right">(56.00)</td> <td class="xl28"></td> <td class="xl28" align="center">#VALUE!</td> </tr> <tr height="13"> <td class="xl38" x:num="38721.0" align="right" height="13">Jan 05 2010</td> <td class="xl33">Deposit</td> <td class="xl30"> </td> <td class="xl43" x:num="2200.0"> 2,200.00 </td> <td class="xl40" x:num="2200.0" align="right">2,200.00 </td> <td class="xl28"></td> <td class="xl28" align="center">#VALUE!</td> </tr> <tr height="13"> <td class="xl38" x:num="38778.0" align="right" height="13">Mar 03 2010</td> <td class="xl33">Deposit</td> <td class="xl30"> </td> <td class="xl43" x:num="100.0"> 100.00 </td> <td class="xl40"></td> <td class="xl28"></td> <td class="xl28" align="center">#VALUE!</td> </tr> <tr height="13"> <td class="xl38" x:num="39072.0" align="right" height="13">Dec 22 2010</td> <td class="xl33">Deposit</td> <td class="xl30"> </td> <td class="xl43" x:num="210.0"> 210.00 </td> <td class="xl40"></td> <td class="xl28"></td> <td class="xl28" align="center">#VALUE!</td> </tr> <tr height="14"> <td class="xl26" height="14"> </td> <td class="xl26"> </td> <td class="xl26"> </td> <td class="xl26"> </td> <td class="xl27" x:num="2059.0" align="right">2,059.00 </td> <td class="xl27" x:num="-50.0" align="right">(50.00)</td> <td class="xl27" align="center">#VALUE!</td> </tr> <tr height="14"> <td class="xl24" height="14"></td> <td class="xl24"></td> <td class="xl24"></td> <td class="xl24"></td> <td class="xl25"></td> <td class="xl25"></td> <td class="xl25"></td> </tr> <!--EndFragment--> </tbody></table>

Excel Facts

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The formula is:

The strange thing about this is that after I 're activate' the formula (and don't change anything), I can copy it across the list. And, everything works as expected. I copied across all columns of the list, save the spreadsheet and then reopened it. Everything was normal. huh?
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When I pasted your table into a WS, the dates weren't formatted as dates, which messed up the formulas...but I assume your dates are actually dates, since going to edit mode and back out fixes your problem.

Other than that, I couldn't get it to error out for me. I tried closing and reopening the WB, dragging it over where column()-5 would be errors.

I'm sure this is less than helpful to you, but without being able to reproduce the error you're getting, I'm afraid I can't help. :(

Hope you get it sorted out.
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Thanks for trying. When I opened the WB this morning, everything was normal. Maybe it is some weird MS thing?
Upvote 0
Update on #VALUE problem....

It happened again. When I chose an account from the column A drop down, everything went to #VALUE in the Months column F through Q.

What I don't get is the the formula in the LIST columns F - Q is

which does not reference column A at all!!!?????
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