I have written a macro that repeats a series of actions on a row and then drops down to the next row and repeats these actions (different variables though, so the actions are not a straight copy and paste). It loops until it comes to a blank cell in Column A.
What I would like it do, after it has reached the end of the loop cycle, is jump to another Cell/Row and repeat the actions once more.
In Code Terms it would be something like:
There is a lot of code within the Loop and I Don't want to repeat it if I don't have to.
What I would like it do, after it has reached the end of the loop cycle, is jump to another Cell/Row and repeat the actions once more.
In Code Terms it would be something like:
Do Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell)
MsgBox (ActiveCell.Value)
Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 1).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Goto Code from Loop 'or something like that
There is a lot of code within the Loop and I Don't want to repeat it if I don't have to.