Macro to insert IF "A" or "B" Then Do "C" - Not Working (Run-time error 13: Type Mismatch)


Board Regular
Oct 17, 2016
Any thoughts why my If .value = "A" or "B" then statement isn't working?

Sub Remove_CorrNeg_Transaction_Entries()
    Dim Dest_Firstrow As Long
    Dim Dest_Lastrow As Long
    Dim lRow As Long
    Dim CalcMode As Long
    Dim ViewMode As Long
    With Application
        CalcMode = .Calculation
        .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
        .ScreenUpdating = False
    End With
    'We use the ActiveSheet but you can replace this with
    'Sheets("MySheet")if you want
    With Sheets("Inventory Transaction Summary -")
        'We select the sheet so we can change the window view
        'If you are in Page Break Preview Or Page Layout view go
        'back to normal view, we do this for speed
        ViewMode = ActiveWindow.View
        ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView
        'Turn off Page Breaks, we do this for speed
        .DisplayPageBreaks = False
        'Set the first and last row to loop through
        LastRow = .UsedRange.Rows(.UsedRange.Rows.Count).Row
        'We loop from Lastrow to Firstrow (bottom to top)
        For lRow = LastRow To 1 Step -1
            'We check the values in the L column in this example
            With .Cells(lRow, "AH")
                If Not IsError(.Value) Then
                    If .Value = "GBA040" Or "GBA041" Then .EntireRow.Delete
                    'This will delete each row with the Value "delete"
                    'in Column L, case sensitive.
                End If
            End With
        Next lRow
    End With
    ActiveWindow.View = ViewMode
    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        .Calculation = CalcMode
    End With
End Sub

Excel Facts

How to total the visible cells?
From the first blank cell below a filtered data set, press Alt+=. Instead of SUM, you will get SUBTOTAL(9,)
If you mean this part of the code,
                If Not IsError(.Value) Then
                    If .Value = "GBA040" Or "GBA041" Then .EntireRow.Delete
                    'This will delete each row with the Value "delete"
                    'in Column L, case sensitive.
                End If
it should be this.
                If Not IsError(.Value) Then
                    If .Value = "GBA040" Or .Value = "GBA041" Then .EntireRow.Delete
                    'This will delete each row with the Value "delete"
                    'in Column L, case sensitive.
                End If
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