Need to bold last name in directory-possible in formula?


New Member
Oct 25, 2005
Here is the formula. There are singles, couples shareing same last name, and couples with different last names. In the formula G is the ;ast name and need to be in bold, before mail merege. Is there a way for this to be done?

=IF(ISBLANK(J2),G2&", "&F2,IF(J2=G2,G2&", "&F2&" and "&I2,J2&", "&G2&" and "&I2&" "&J2))

Thank you,

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Copy formula down without changing references
If you have =SUM(F2:F49) in F50; type Alt+' in F51 to copy =SUM(F2:F49) to F51, leaving the formula in edit mode. Change SUM to COUNT.
Sorry, individual character formatting for values returned by formulas, while the cell contains the formula, is not possible. The returned value would need to be a constant (such as being copied and pasted over as a value) for your request to be do-able.
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Tom Urtis said:
Sorry, individual character formatting for values returned by formulas, while the cell contains the formula, is not possible. The returned value would need to be a constant (such as being copied and pasted over as a value) for your request to be do-able.

Thank you. Alas, I shall struggle on, always knowing that the greatest part of my problem is that I know very little about what I am doing! :confused:
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The simple solution is to put the last name in a cell by itself and the rest of the formula result in the adjacent cell. Bold the first cell and format the 2 to look like a single cell.

lburg801 said:
Tom Urtis said:
Sorry, individual character formatting for values returned by formulas, while the cell contains the formula, is not possible. The returned value would need to be a constant (such as being copied and pasted over as a value) for your request to be do-able.

Thank you. Alas, I shall struggle on, always knowing that the greatest part of my problem is that I know very little about what I am doing! :confused:
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