OK, I have done the hard bit, now I am stuck on the easy bit! Using this code to open a word document, But I would like it to open with Word maximized, and the document at 100% zoom. Should be easy I know...
Dim myWord As Object
Set myWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
myWord.Visible = True
myWord.Documents.Open FileName:="C:IntTrainTemplate.doc", ReadOnly:=True
With myWord
..do some stuff..
End With
This message was edited by philR on 2002-10-02 04:58
Dim myWord As Object
Set myWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
myWord.Visible = True
myWord.Documents.Open FileName:="C:IntTrainTemplate.doc", ReadOnly:=True
With myWord
..do some stuff..
End With
This message was edited by philR on 2002-10-02 04:58