Pasting locks cells! - Force plain text pasting


New Member
Sep 15, 2006
I have set up a protected workbook with both locked and unlocked cells.

When pasting information from the web, unlocked cells take on a locked property!

This workbook is shared, and so cannot be unprotected frequently to correct these erroneous cells.

I can but presume the rich text is setting the locked property. Can anyone suggest a workaround? Something like:-
- Forcing plain text pasting
- Locking the cells to only accept data, no formatting

All suggestions gratefully received!

Thank you,


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Thanks, xapie128

This command forces a paste with the text only attribute.

Do you know a way to set the default paste option to plain text?

It's just, to make the above command work, I will need to intercept all the paste commands for the spreadsheet (Shift+Ins, Ctrl+V etc...) and route them through to this command.

Maybe it will be easier to fix the staff...?
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Do you know a way to set the default paste option to plain text?
No, sorry I don't. I wish I did because there are times I'd like that too. I also wish I could do it with Word.

I've added the "Paste Special" icon button to my toolbar so I don't have to go to the Edit menu. But that still requires me to click the button, select Text (if copied info is HTML), then click OK--three steps instead of one.
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