Pivot is to report by Management Lead; their projects; the project deliverables; deliverable start date; deliverable end date... sorted by deliverable end date (to answer the question, when will I get my deliverable).
Currently I have an ascending sort on Managment Lead and planned end date...and it works great .. kinna... the DISPLAY order curently has Planned end date before planned start date (left to right)...but visually, you typically would read start data then end date (left to right)... IF I move end date after start date, the sort is screwed up... in that the sort restarts with the change in start date...
for example:
MgmtLead ProjectTitle MilestoneStart MilestoneEnd MilestoneTitle
Doug Project1 6/28/10 6/30/11 MS1
9/30/11 MS2
4/01/12 MS3
6/07/10 1/31/12 MS4
It works fine if I move MilestoneEnd before MilestoneStart:
MgmtLead ProjectTitle MilestoneEnd MilestoneStart MilestoneTitle
Doug Project1 6/30/11 6/28/10 MS1
9/30/11 6/28/10 MS2
1/31/12 6/07/10 MS4
4/01/12 6/28/10 MS3
Currently I have an ascending sort on Managment Lead and planned end date...and it works great .. kinna... the DISPLAY order curently has Planned end date before planned start date (left to right)...but visually, you typically would read start data then end date (left to right)... IF I move end date after start date, the sort is screwed up... in that the sort restarts with the change in start date...
for example:
MgmtLead ProjectTitle MilestoneStart MilestoneEnd MilestoneTitle
Doug Project1 6/28/10 6/30/11 MS1
9/30/11 MS2
4/01/12 MS3
6/07/10 1/31/12 MS4
It works fine if I move MilestoneEnd before MilestoneStart:
MgmtLead ProjectTitle MilestoneEnd MilestoneStart MilestoneTitle
Doug Project1 6/30/11 6/28/10 MS1
9/30/11 6/28/10 MS2
1/31/12 6/07/10 MS4
4/01/12 6/28/10 MS3