Pivot tables


Active Member
Jun 10, 2003

Im new to pivot tables and i wonder if anyone can help with a simple query. Ive got a list of 500 prds in column A. In column B is a percentage. What i would like to do is put together a pivot table to show which products fall into which percentage ranges which i would have to define . I would like to view the tables at 10% increments so i envisge there being 10 columns beginning 0-10%, 11-20% etc and 500 rows. Is this possible and how would i do it?


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Show numbers in thousands?
Use a custom number format of #,##0,K. Each comma after the final 0 will divide the displayed number by another thousand
Yes, you should be able to do that.

Pivot table would have
Row Field = product (Col A)
Coulumn Field = %age (Col B)

and data field would be count of %age

Then you need to click a cell on the Column field then right click, grroup and outline.

Then change the settings to start at 0, max 1 and by 0.1 increments.
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Ive got 2 questions on that:

the first is, "and data field would be count of %age", the wizard only creates a sum of the %ages OR count of prds. Whcih one is correct.

And where you say

"Then you need to click a cell on the Column field then right click, grroup and outline"

Is this after the tables been created. The problem is, my figures are all different and Excel cannot create a Pivot table big enough to house all of the columns derived from each individual percentage value.
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If you want the count in each category then count of prds is the one.

In answer to number 2, create the pivot table first, if you don't have enough columns then you should get a message saying show as much as possible, then when you do the grouping the whole lot will display.
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Where do i find the part to group by increments. Ive grouped the columns but i cant find the increment part.

Thanks loads!!
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It should appear whenever you click group.

Your percentages are numbers and not text aren't they?

If they are text you won't be able to categorise numerically
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