I have a pivot table that is laid out like the following. The CustCount Column is a Formula Field of =1. What I need to be able to do using getpivotdata formula is return the max from each section ie Status A would be 3 and Status B would be 2.
Row Values
Status Customer Part Sales CustCount
A Steve Widget1 100 1
Mark Widget1 300 2
Karen Small 50 3
B Michael Widget2 75 1
Sam Small 40 2
Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. Even if I need to change teh way I am counting them I can do it. End goal is to return the count from each status to a summary tab in the same file.
Row Values
Status Customer Part Sales CustCount
A Steve Widget1 100 1
Mark Widget1 300 2
Karen Small 50 3
B Michael Widget2 75 1
Sam Small 40 2
Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. Even if I need to change teh way I am counting them I can do it. End goal is to return the count from each status to a summary tab in the same file.
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