Sub Usage()
'Set Chart Axis Limits - two methods shown
SetChartAxisLimits 1, 2, 14
SetChartAxisLimits "Chart1", 2, 14
'Performs the test for points out of the chart
retval = PointsOutOfBounds(1, 1)
retval = PointsOutOfBounds("Chart1", 1)
If retval > 0 Then MsgBox "There are " & retval & " points 'off the chart!'"
End Sub
Function PointsOutOfBounds(chrtIdx As Variant, SeriesIdx As Variant)
' Procedure : PointsOutOfBounds
' Purpose : Determines how many points are not shown on a chart
' due to being outside the chart's Axis Min/Max
Dim aSeriesColl As SeriesCollection
Dim aSeries As Series
Dim pointsout As Integer 'count of points outside axis Min/Max
PointsOutOfBounds = 0
Set aSeriesColl = Charts(chrtIdx).SeriesCollection
Set aSeries = Charts(chrtIdx).SeriesCollection(SeriesIdx)
'Get the Min/Max from Chart
minScale = Charts(chrtIdx).Axes(xlCategory).MinimumScale
maxScale = Charts(chrtIdx).Axes(xlCategory).MaximumScale
With aSeries
seriesname = .Name
For ptIdx = 1 To .Points.Count
If .Values(ptIdx) < minScale Or _
.Values(ptIdx) > maxScale Then
pointsout = pointsout + 1
End If
Next ptIdx
End With
PointsOutOfBounds = pointsout
End Function
Sub SetChartAxisLimits(ChartIdx As Variant, Min As Double, Max As Double)
' Procedure : SetChartAxisLimits
' Purpose : Set a Chart's Axis Min/Max values
Charts(ChartIdx).Axes(xlCategory).MinimumScale = Min
Charts(ChartIdx).Axes(xlCategory).MaximumScale = Max
End Sub