Problems with an Excel Compiler - long


New Member
Jan 20, 2009
Hello Everyone, I have a problem where I really need a solution for. I have been working manually two days straight on this at work and I am getting so frustrated. I have very little knowledge of how to fix macros.

We have an excel capital investment proposal compiler ( Excel 97-2003) that is supposed to pull data in from different project sheets where cost and data vary across sites. I have used this for several projects and it has worked.

The problem I am now having is that, this new project will start in different years. 2014, 2015,2016 and 2017. I have a file for all of thses that I will be attaching. I go to my Compiler file and pull in all this information. See Sheets ( Building One), (Building Two) etc.

This forms the basis of the Sheet in the Compiler called "Comparison". The formulars in this Sheet does not fit this type of project. It simply adds up the years as shown in the sheets. So it adds Building One with data 2014; Building 2 with Data 2015 , Building 3 with data 2016 etc ( hope I am making sense).

I need the formular to add Building One ( Column 2014), Building 2 (Column 2014), Building 3 ( Column 2014), Building 4 ( Column 2014). It does not do this because each project start in a different year. I cannot get my original files to start in any other year other than the real project start date. When I pull in the data, it pulls it in exactly how the originals are.

So I tried to add extra columns to the Building Sheet so that the years would match and I could change the formular in the Comparison sheet to just add correct across the years for each Building...and there the macro stopped working. It would not allow me to pull in any data at all, if I had to make new changes in my original file.

I guess there may be several solutions to this problem and I hope someone can help me fix this. I hope I wrote this clear enough. Please see link to files. Oh for the files to work together, they need to be saved in one folder. Thanks so much in advance.

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