reverse index function?


New Member
May 18, 2002
I attend a school that is on a Cohort system i.e. A group of people go through the program together. The good thing about this is that our classes are mapped out. We know the start date of every class we will take over the next 2.5 years. The problem:
Every Cohort has classes in the same order (different start dates,for now) so I created a table of 9 columns with the Cohort names across the top row. (BBA 501, BBA 502 to BBA 508. These are the column heads. In the row right below this are the number of students in the Cohort.
In the FIRST Colum (A) are the classes (History 202, English 111, BIO 210...)
In the body of the table under each Cohort name and # of students are the start dates for each class for that cohort. These are usually unique but there are two cohorts that coincide. My problem. between two dates, I need to know which cohorts have a particular class. To put it simply, I need to evaluate the intersection of the row and column and have it return the column head.

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No, that returns the intersection, in my case the date. I want to evaluate the date to return the column heading i.e. I have a formula that returns the number of students in a class based on a date range =SUM(IF(orientation!$B26:$AA26>Begdate1,IF(orientation!$B26:$AA26<Enddate1,abastud,0),0))entered as an array formula beside each class on a different sheet. orientation is the sheet name,abastud is the number of students range (row)to get the number from. This works but I can't modify it to get the Cohort NAME.
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