Scanning 3 columns for Dates


Well-known Member
Mar 25, 2005
I have an Excel sheet, it's a .CSV file acctually.

There are 3 columns that have a combo Date Time in the cell contents, like this:

8/31/2006 10:37

I want to highlight those 3 columns, and make sure that the data in the sheet only contains 2006 dates and nothing else. There is a lot of rows, what's the best way to do this ?

I want to maybe highlight in bold the cells that are incorrect date, it dones't matter if it is before 2006 or past it, sometimes scanners reset and the date gets messed up.

Thank you for your help.

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Hello RompStar,
Here are a couple ideas that come to mind.
If by "highlight those 3 columns" you mean to just highlight the range of interest (as opposed
to highlighting the entire columns) then something like this should work.
Sub CheckYearDemo()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim c As Range
For Each c In Selection
  If Year(c.Value) <> "2006" Then c.Font.Bold = True
Next c
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Now, if you want to make this a bit more dynamic by testing for the current year (ie, not
having to edit your code next year and so on) then you can simply replace the line:
If Year(c.Value) <> "2006" Then
with . .
If Year(c.Value) <> Year(Date) Then

And finally, if you know the columns in advance and don't want to have to highlight the range containing the dates then what are the columns & starting rows you're checking?
We can make it reference those down to the last used rows automatically.
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