I am currently trying to filter a PivotTable using a hyperlinked UDF.
I have put together a demo sheet which can be downloaded below. Its a combination of a technique by someone at MS that sets a Pivot Filter by a cell value (D2) and a hyperlink idea from an article at Chandoo.org that I have modified to change the value in D2. The sub highlightSeries handles the setting of the cell (D2) value by the 3 hyperlinks, the UDF then calls the update:
This should then update the Pivot Table as the Workbook_SheetChange event is not trigged by my hyperlinked UDF.
From many hours of looking at the issue the problem seems to be that SelectPivotItem() which is called from UpdatePivotFieldfromRange can't update the visibility of PivotItems when called in this way.
Is this an issue with the UDF? Or is there another way to set the visibility of the PivotItems?
Code & link to example file follows:
Link to example file
I've also posted a similar query here (just for transparency):
Any help or insight would be great. Thanks.
I am currently trying to filter a PivotTable using a hyperlinked UDF.
I have put together a demo sheet which can be downloaded below. Its a combination of a technique by someone at MS that sets a Pivot Filter by a cell value (D2) and a hyperlink idea from an article at Chandoo.org that I have modified to change the value in D2. The sub highlightSeries handles the setting of the cell (D2) value by the 3 hyperlinks, the UDF then calls the update:
Call ThisWorkbook.UpdatePivotFieldFromRange("RegionFilterRange", "PivotTable1", "Region")
This should then update the Pivot Table as the Workbook_SheetChange event is not trigged by my hyperlinked UDF.
From many hours of looking at the issue the problem seems to be that SelectPivotItem() which is called from UpdatePivotFieldfromRange can't update the visibility of PivotItems when called in this way.
Is this an issue with the UDF? Or is there another way to set the visibility of the PivotItems?
Code & link to example file follows:
Option Explicit
Const RegionRangeName As String = "RegionFilterRange"
Const PivotTableName As String = "PivotTable1"
Const PivotFieldName As String = "Region"
Public Sub UpdatePivotFieldFromRange(RangeName As String, FieldName As String, _
PivotTableName As String)
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Application.Range(RangeName)
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim Sheet As Worksheet
For Each Sheet In Application.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
On Error Resume Next
Set pt = Sheet.PivotTables(PivotTableName)
If pt Is Nothing Then GoTo Ex
On Error GoTo Ex
pt.ManualUpdate = True
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Field As PivotField
Set Field = pt.PivotFields(FieldName)
Field.EnableItemSelection = False
SelectPivotItem Field, rng.Text
pt.PivotFields(FieldName).AutoSort xlAscending, FieldName
pt.ManualUpdate = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Public Sub SelectPivotItem(Field As PivotField, ItemName As String)
Dim Item As PivotItem
For Each Item In Field.PivotItems
Item.Visible = (Item.Caption = ItemName)
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Application.Range(RegionRangeName)) _
Is Nothing Then
UpdatePivotFieldFromRange _
RegionRangeName, PivotFieldName, PivotTableName
End If
End Sub
Public Function highlightSeries(seriesName As Range)
Range("RegionFilterRange") = seriesName.Value
Call ThisWorkbook.UpdatePivotFieldFromRange("RegionFilterRange", "PivotTable1", "Region")
End Function
Link to example file
I've also posted a similar query here (just for transparency):
Any help or insight would be great. Thanks.