Hi all
In my current code, I require two ranges to make a comparison of their values. The ranges are being defined by two cells which vary depending on the range size.
How can I set rngcomp1 and rngcomp 2 to be based around the values of pr1, pr2, w and y?
Currently I get runtime error 1004, about the range having a global failure, which I believe is due to the range command not accepting values that aren't actual cells. What alterations can I make to the code to set the two ranges as these 4 values?
Any help would be greatly appreciated guys!
In my current code, I require two ranges to make a comparison of their values. The ranges are being defined by two cells which vary depending on the range size.
How can I set rngcomp1 and rngcomp 2 to be based around the values of pr1, pr2, w and y?
Currently I get runtime error 1004, about the range having a global failure, which I believe is due to the range command not accepting values that aren't actual cells. What alterations can I make to the code to set the two ranges as these 4 values?
Sub Compare1()
Dim pr1 As Integer
Dim pr2 As Integer
Set Rng1 = Range("A1:A1000")
Set Rng2 = Range("D1:L65536")
For p1 = 1 To 1000
If Cells(pr1, 1).Value = "EXAMPLE" Then
For pr2 = 1 To 1000
If Cells(pr2, 10).Value = Cells(pr1, 1).Value Then
Dim Str1 As String
Dim Str2 As String
w = Cells(p1, 1).End(xlDown).Address
x = Cells(w).End(xlToRight).Offset(0, -2)
y = Cells(p2, 10).End(xlDown).Address
z = Cells(y).End(xlToRight).Offset(0, -2)
Set rngcomp1 = Range("pr1:w")
Set rngcomp2 = Range("pr2:y")
For Each Cell In rngcomp1
Str1 = Str1 & Cell.Value
For Each Cell In rngcomp2
Str2 = Str2 & Cell.Value
If Str1 = Str2 Then
Cells(pr2, 10).Offset(0, 1) = "OK"
Cells(pr2, 10).Offset(0, 1) = "NOT OK"
End If
End If
Next pr2
End If
Next pr1
End Sub
Any help would be greatly appreciated guys!