Showing that a relationship exists with another spreadsheet


New Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am not sure if this can be done in Excel as it is a bit tricky, but let me ask.

Each cell in a column in spreadsheet "M" contains a unique number. If a cell in a column in a separate spreadsheet "D" holds a number that matches one of those unique numbers in spreadsheet "M", I want to set a True condition in an adjacent column in spreadsheet "M" to record that a relationship exists in the other spreadsheet.

I need to run this multiple times with different "D" spreadsheets that have different numbers of rows.

I appreciate any suggestions as to how I might accomplish this!!!


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Hi & Welcome,

Try this, the below assumes in WB D that your data lookup is in A1:A100 and your lookup value is in WB M Column A1

Formula in WB M, cell B1 and copied down

If the result is True it will display Found, otherwise it will display Not Found

=IF(ISNUMBER(VLOOKUP(A1,[D.xls]Sheet1!$A$1:$A$100,1,FALSE)),"FOUND","NOT FOUND")
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Ah...that worked perfectly. That was great!

Thank you for assisting with the learning process!

I really appreciate it!

Bruce :biggrin:
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