Simple macro to change values in second sheet


New Member
Jan 27, 2005
I need help with this macro. I'm new to the VBA thing and any help is greatly appreciated.

I have two sheets that need to be synchronized. The ranges have different amounts of cells, and so I'm not sure if I need to set up an array or not. Basically if the values column "A" and "B" in sheet 1 match up with column "A" and "B" in sheet two then I want the value in Column "C" of sheet 2 to be "TRUE" (for that row)

Here is what I have so far (and my Do statement is wrong already):

Sub Synchronize()

Dim arng As Range
Dim arng2 As Range
Dim arng3 As Range
Dim brng As Range
Dim brng2 As Range
Dim brng3 As Range

Set arng = Range("Sheet1!C2")
Set arng2 = Range("Sheet1!D2")
Set arng3 = Range("Sheet1!F2")
Set brng = Range("Sheet2!b2")
Set brng2 = Range("Sheet2!c2")
Set brng3 = Range("Sheet2!ax2")



If arng3 = "Open" Then
If arng = brng And arng2 = brng2 Then
brng3.Value = "True"
End If
If arng3 = "Closed" Then
If arng = brng And arng2 = brng2 Then
brng3.Value = "True"
End If
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

Loop Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell)

End Sub

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I'm a little further along (and fixed the do loop). Here is what I have so far...

Sub Synchronize()

Dim arng As Range
Dim arng2 As Range
Dim arng3 As Range
Dim brng As Range
Dim brng2 As Range
Dim brng3 As Range
Dim i As Integer

Set arng = Range("Sheet1!C:C")
Set arng2 = Range("Sheet1!D:D")
Set arng3 = Range("Sheet1!F:F")
Set brng = Range("Sheet2!B:B")
Set brng2 = Range("Sheet2!C:C")
Set brng3 = Range("Sheet2!AX:AX")

For i = 1 To Selection.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count - 1
If arng3 = "Open" Then
If arng = brng And arng2 = brng2 Then
brng3.Value = "True"
End If
End If
If arng3 = "Closed" Then
If arng = brng And arng2 = brng2 Then
brng3.Value = "True"
End If
End If
Next i

End Sub
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I'm a little further along, but I still need help :oops:

My issues are getting the macro to search down the column, then find a match, record the row number, go to the other two columns in the row, record the values, and then match up those values with two columns in the second sheet, and if a positive match is found, to change the value in the third column of the second sheet. Whew!

PLEASE HELP!! :rolleyes:

Here's what I have so far:

Sub SynchronizeMe()
Dim I As Integer
Set arng = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Columns("F")
Set brng = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Columns("C")
Set crng = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Columns("D")
Set drng = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Columns("B")
Set erng = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Columns("C")
Set frng = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Columns("AX")

For I = 1 To arng.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count - 1
If arng.Cells.Value = "Open" Then
Set OpenRow = arng.Rows
Set State = Range(OpenRow, brng).Value
Set County = Range(OpenRow, crng).Value
Set currentrow = frng.Rows
If State = Range(currentrow, drng).Value And County = Range(currentrow, erng).Value Then
Range(currentrow, frng).Value = "True"
End If
ElseIf arng.Cells.Value = "Closed" Then
Set OpenRow = arng.Rows
Set State = Range(OpenRow, brng).Value
Set County = Range(OpenRow, crng).Value
Set currentrow = frng.Rows
If State = Range(currentrow, drng).Value And County = Range(currentrow, erng).Value Then
Range(currentrow, frng).Value = "True"
End If
End If
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
Next I
End Sub
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I reworked your code. It should be doing the same thing you were trying above, I just simplified it a little (you don't need to set a variable for every column ;) )

As your code is written now, it is doing the exact same thing if it finds "Open" or "Closed." Somehow, I don't think that's really what you want--though I could be wrong. As it stands right now I just went with what you had and left that as is, but this seems to be working for me.

<font face=Tahoma><SPAN style="color:#00007F">Sub</SPAN> test()
<SPAN style="color:#00007F">Dim</SPAN> cell <SPAN style="color:#00007F">As</SPAN> Range, rngF <SPAN style="color:#00007F">As</SPAN> Range, rngAZ <SPAN style="color:#00007F">As</SPAN> Range
<SPAN style="color:#00007F">Dim</SPAN> CurrentRow <SPAN style="color:#00007F">As</SPAN> <SPAN style="color:#00007F">Long</SPAN>, State <SPAN style="color:#00007F">As</SPAN> <SPAN style="color:#00007F">String</SPAN>, County <SPAN style="color:#00007F">As</SPAN> <SPAN style="color:#00007F">String</SPAN>

<SPAN style="color:#00007F">Set</SPAN> rngF = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("F1", Sheets("Sheet1").Range("F65536").End(xlUp))

<SPAN style="color:#00007F">For</SPAN> <SPAN style="color:#00007F">Each</SPAN> cell <SPAN style="color:#00007F">In</SPAN> rngF
    <SPAN style="color:#00007F">If</SPAN> cell.Value = "Open" <SPAN style="color:#00007F">Or</SPAN> "Closed" <SPAN style="color:#00007F">Then</SPAN>
        CurrentRow = cell.Row
        State = cell.Offset(0, -3).Value
        County = cell.Offset(0, -2).Value
        <SPAN style="color:#00007F">If</SPAN> Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(CurrentRow, "B").Value = State And _
            Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(CurrentRow, "C").Value = County <SPAN style="color:#00007F">Then</SPAN>
            Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(CurrentRow, "AZ").Value = "TRUE"
        <SPAN style="color:#00007F">End</SPAN> <SPAN style="color:#00007F">If</SPAN>
    <SPAN style="color:#00007F">End</SPAN> <SPAN style="color:#00007F">If</SPAN>
<SPAN style="color:#00007F">Next</SPAN> cell
<SPAN style="color:#00007F">End</SPAN> <SPAN style="color:#00007F">Sub</SPAN></FONT>
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Thanks so much for helping me! you're my hero!! :pray:

You're right, I didn't mean to have "Open" and "Close" yield the same result. I have a couple of complications though...

Here is my "Sheet2" (Sorry for the &nbsp spaces)
vba test 3.xls

Below is my "Sheet1"
vba test 3.xls

As you can see there are instances where the values of "State" and "CountY" would be repeated, and I think it is getting hung up when that happens. You can see the result of the macro in "Sheet2"

Here is where I am at right now:

Sub test()
Dim cell As Range, rngF As Range, rngAZ As Range
Dim CurrentRow As Long, State As String, County As String

Set rngF = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("F2", Sheets("Sheet1").Range("F65536").End(xlUp))
Set rngAZ = Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B2", Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B65536").End(xlUp))

For Each cell In rngF
    If cell.Value = "Open" And _
    cell.Offset(0, -1).Value = "Initial Pleadings" Then
        CurrentRow = cell.Row
        State = cell.Offset(0, -3).Value
        County = cell.Offset(0, -2).Value
        If Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(CurrentRow, "B").Value = State And _
            Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(CurrentRow, "C").Value = County Then
            Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(CurrentRow, "E").Value = "TRUE"
        End If
    If cell.Value = "Closed" And _
    cell.Offset(0, -1).Value = "Initial Pleadings" Then
        CurrentRow = cell.Row
        State = cell.Offset(0, -3).Value
        County = cell.Offset(0, -2).Value
        If Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(CurrentRow, "B").Value = State And _
            Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(CurrentRow, "C").Value = County Then
            Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(CurrentRow, "E").Value = "FALSE"
        End If
      End If
      End If
Next cell
End Sub
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There are a couple of things I see going on with the code here:

1) Not every instance of "Open" and "Initial Pleadings" is being marked as True because the State and County on Sheet1 are not matching the State and County of the same row on Sheet2.

You may have to give a bit more information as to how you want to match the variables. It is currently grabbing the State/County from Sheet1, making a note of that row number, and checking the same row number on Sheet2 to see if the State/County matches. Is that what it should be doing?

2) It currently isn't checking for "Closed" at all. You just need to rewrite the If statement a little.

The following should fix so it checks for both Open and Closed:

<font face=Courier New><SPAN style="color:#00007F">Sub</SPAN> test()
<SPAN style="color:#00007F">Dim</SPAN> cell <SPAN style="color:#00007F">As</SPAN> Range, rngF <SPAN style="color:#00007F">As</SPAN> Range, CurrentRow <SPAN style="color:#00007F">As</SPAN> <SPAN style="color:#00007F">Long</SPAN>
<SPAN style="color:#00007F">Dim</SPAN> State <SPAN style="color:#00007F">As</SPAN> <SPAN style="color:#00007F">String</SPAN>, County <SPAN style="color:#00007F">As</SPAN> <SPAN style="color:#00007F">String</SPAN>

<SPAN style="color:#00007F">Set</SPAN> rngF = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("F2", Sheets("Sheet1").Range("F65536").End(xlUp))


<SPAN style="color:#00007F">For</SPAN> <SPAN style="color:#00007F">Each</SPAN> cell <SPAN style="color:#00007F">In</SPAN> rngF
    <SPAN style="color:#00007F">If</SPAN> cell.Value = "Open" And _
    cell.Offset(0, -1).Value = "Initial Pleadings" <SPAN style="color:#00007F">Then</SPAN>
        CurrentRow = cell.Row
        State = cell.Offset(0, -3).Value
        County = cell.Offset(0, -2).Value
        <SPAN style="color:#00007F">If</SPAN> Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(CurrentRow, "B").Value = State And _
            Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(CurrentRow, "C").Value = County <SPAN style="color:#00007F">Then</SPAN>
            Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(CurrentRow, "E").Value = "TRUE"
        <SPAN style="color:#00007F">End</SPAN> <SPAN style="color:#00007F">If</SPAN>
    <SPAN style="color:#00007F">Else</SPAN>
        <SPAN style="color:#00007F">If</SPAN> cell.Value = "Closed" And _
            cell.Offset(0, -1).Value = "Initial Pleadings" <SPAN style="color:#00007F">Then</SPAN>
            CurrentRow = cell.Row
            State = cell.Offset(0, -3).Value
            County = cell.Offset(0, -2).Value
            <SPAN style="color:#00007F">If</SPAN> Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(CurrentRow, "B").Value = State And _
                Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(CurrentRow, "C").Value = County <SPAN style="color:#00007F">Then</SPAN>
                Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(CurrentRow, "E").Value = "FALSE"
            <SPAN style="color:#00007F">End</SPAN> <SPAN style="color:#00007F">If</SPAN>
        <SPAN style="color:#00007F">End</SPAN> <SPAN style="color:#00007F">If</SPAN>
    <SPAN style="color:#00007F">End</SPAN> <SPAN style="color:#00007F">If</SPAN>
<SPAN style="color:#00007F">Next</SPAN> cell
<SPAN style="color:#00007F">End</SPAN> <SPAN style="color:#00007F">Sub</SPAN></FONT>
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YOU ARE MY HERO!!!! :pray: :pray: :pray:

Thanks so much for your help. You identified the problems that I had. I took what you gave me and worked it so that it could find my instances where the counties and states matched on both sheets and then put "TRUE" for the counties that were "Open" and "False" for the counties that are "Closed".

Here's the code I finally ended up with....

Sub test2()
Dim cell As Range, rngF As Range, rngB As Range, CurrentRow As Long, CurrentRow2 As Long

Dim State As String, County As String

Set rngF = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("F2", Sheets("Sheet1").Range("F65536").End(xlUp))
Set rngB = Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B2", Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B65536").End(xlUp))

For Each cell In rngF
    If cell.Value = "Open" And _
    cell.Offset(0, -1).Value = "Initial Pleadings" Then
        CurrentRow = cell.Row
        State = cell.Offset(0, -3).Value
        County = cell.Offset(0, -2).Value
        For Each cell2 In rngB
        If cell2.Value = State And _
        cell2.Offset(0, 1).Value = County Then
               CurrentRow2 = cell2.Row
               Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(CurrentRow2, "E").Value = "TRUE"
        End If
        Next cell2
        If cell.Value = "Closed" And _
    cell.Offset(0, -1).Value = "Initial Pleadings" Then
        CurrentRow = cell.Row
        State = cell.Offset(0, -3).Value
        County = cell.Offset(0, -2).Value
        For Each cell2 In rngB
        If cell2.Value = State And _
        cell2.Offset(0, 1).Value = County Then
              CurrentRow2 = cell2.Row
              Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(CurrentRow2, "E").Value = "FALSE"
        End If
        Next cell2
        End If
    End If
Next cell
End Sub
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