Function AnaSort(sInp As String, Optional bUniq As Boolean = False) As String
' shg 2008-1216
' Returns the characters of sInp in alpha order: AnaSort("amaze") = "aaemz"
' with option to return unique characters only: AnaSort("amaze", True) = "aemz"
Dim i As Long ' index to string characters
Dim aiNum(0 To 255) As Long ' count of characters by code
Dim iAsc As Long ' index to aiNum
For i = 1 To Len(sInp)
iAsc = Asc(Mid(sInp, i, 1))
aiNum(iAsc) = aiNum(iAsc) + 1
Next i
If bUniq Then
For iAsc = 0 To 255
If aiNum(iAsc) Then AnaSort = AnaSort & Chr$(iAsc)
Next iAsc
For iAsc = 0 To 255
AnaSort = AnaSort & String$(aiNum(iAsc), Chr$(iAsc))
Next iAsc
End If
End Function
Function StrSort(sInp As String, Optional bCaseSens As Boolean = False) As String
' shg 2008
' Insertion-sorts sInp
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim s As String
If bCaseSens Then StrSort = sInp Else StrSort = LCase(sInp)
For i = 2 To Len(sInp)
s = Mid(StrSort, i, 1)
For j = i - 1 To 1 Step -1
If Mid(StrSort, j) < s Then Exit For
Mid(StrSort, j + 1) = Mid(StrSort, j, 1)
Next j
Mid(StrSort, j + 1) = s
Next i
End Function
Function SortedString(aString As String, Optional Descending As Boolean) As String
Dim strLeft As String, strRight As String
Dim chrPivot As String, chrVar As String
Dim i As Long
chrPivot = Left(aString, 1)
For i = 2 To Len(aString)
chrVar = Mid(aString, i, 1)
If ((StrComp(chrVar, chrPivot, vbTextCompare) = -1) Or _
((StrComp(chrVar, chrPivot, vbTextCompare) = 0) And (chrVar < chrPivot))) Xor Descending Then
strLeft = chrVar & strLeft
strRight = strRight & chrVar
End If
Next i
If 1 < Len(strLeft) Then strLeft = SortedString(strLeft)
If 1 < Len(strRight) Then strRight = SortedString(strRight)
SortedString = strLeft & chrPivot & strRight
End Function
Easy to change;Seems the latest will lower case the result though
Function StrSort(sInp As String, Optional bCaseSens As Boolean = False) As String
' shg 2008, 2011
' Insertion-sorts sInp
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim s As String
Dim iComp As Long
StrSort = sInp
iComp = IIf(bCaseSens, vbBinaryCompare, vbTextCompare)
For i = 2 To Len(sInp)
s = Mid(StrSort, i, 1)
For j = i - 1 To 1 Step -1
If StrComp(Mid(StrSort, j, 1), s, iComp) <= 0 Then Exit For
Mid(StrSort, j + 1) = Mid(StrSort, j, 1)
Next j
Mid(StrSort, j + 1) = s
Next i
End Function
Excel Workbook | ||||
A | B | |||
13 | Original | Sorted | ||
14 | 8009543200 | 0000234589 | ||
15 | 2439070100 | 0000123479 | ||
16 | 20750320100 | 0000122357 | ||
Sheet5 |