I'm working with text output coming from what is apparently a very old app because all of the text is split into four relatively small strings. When I join the strings back together I'm noticing that where the splits were originally made I'm intermittently missing a character, this leads to a misspelling when concatenated. Again, this is not an excel problem but rather a problem in the text files I'm trying to analyze. I'm looking to pass the entire string into a function that I wrote which looks for a grouping of words, e.g. 'price match', which fails to tag something as a price match when it's misspelled. So ideally I would like to pass in a string to a function and when the string contains something like prce match I would like it to be corrected automatically and retuned back. Is this possible with any existing VBA code? I'm prepared to write a custom function for this but thought I'd ask first.
Thanks for any suggestions.
I'm working with text output coming from what is apparently a very old app because all of the text is split into four relatively small strings. When I join the strings back together I'm noticing that where the splits were originally made I'm intermittently missing a character, this leads to a misspelling when concatenated. Again, this is not an excel problem but rather a problem in the text files I'm trying to analyze. I'm looking to pass the entire string into a function that I wrote which looks for a grouping of words, e.g. 'price match', which fails to tag something as a price match when it's misspelled. So ideally I would like to pass in a string to a function and when the string contains something like prce match I would like it to be corrected automatically and retuned back. Is this possible with any existing VBA code? I'm prepared to write a custom function for this but thought I'd ask first.
Thanks for any suggestions.