Split funtion


New Member
Mar 28, 2002
I am trying to use the split function to split a string. How do I assign the values returned by the function ?

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On 2002-09-06 13:38, hianupam wrote:
I am trying to use the split function to split a string. How do I assign the values returned by the function ?

Hi hianupam
What exactly are you trying to do...example
The above function returns an array...so you will need to get the Upperbound and lowerbound limits of the array and then assign it to some variables you have set up.
Post an example of what you have and what you require.
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Guys thanks for the replies. Frustated with it i wrote my own split function.
Here is what I was trying to do
I have a string say SERC-TVA
I wanted SERC and TVA separated at the delimeter "-"
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On 2002-09-06 13:48, Mark W. wrote:
Haven't heard of the SPLIT function. Do you mean the MID function?
Mark there is a function called split in VB.Look it up in the VBA help (not much help though ...no examples)
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Here is an example using your string

Sub TesterII()
Dim Ret
Dim i As Integer

Const strS As String = "SERC-TVA"

Ret = Split(strS, "-")

For i = 0 To UBound(Ret)
MsgBox Ret(i)

End Sub
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On 2002-09-06 14:25, hianupam wrote:
On 2002-09-06 13:48, Mark W. wrote:
Haven't heard of the SPLIT function. Do you mean the MID function?
Mark there is a function called split in VB.Look it up in the VBA help (not much help though ...no examples)

Ahh! I thought you were asking an Excel question.
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