Standard Toolbar Association


Active Member
Jan 4, 2004
Hi All,

I have created a custom commandbar which houses my own macros..

This command bar is created everytime Excel is opened.

For the time being I have kept the commandbar as a floating object.

Any ideas how can I fix it to be attached next to the Standard CommandBar or the Formatting CommandBar.

Help Appreciated...

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This will add a Custom CommandBar called "Test" ALWAYS located next to the Standard XL toolbar.

Sub Test()

    Dim i As Byte
    With CommandBars.Add("Test")
         For i = 1 To 6
            .Controls.Add.FaceId = i
        Next i
        .Position = CommandBars("Standard").Position 
        .RowIndex = CommandBars("Standard").RowIndex
        .Visible = True
    End With

End Sub

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Thanks for the piece of code... I have only one regret.. What do I need to change in the code for my commandbar to appear "after" the Standard Toolbar...

When I execute this code the custom toolbar appears before the Standard Toolbar... I tried playing with RowIndex and Position values but in vain...

Help Appreciated...
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I did some search on the board for commandbars properties and this piece of code helped me do just what I wanted...

Set cb = Application.CommandBars.Add(ThisCommandBarName, , False, True)
With cb
.Position = CommandBars("Standard").Position
.RowIndex = CommandBars("Standard").RowIndex
.Left = CommandBars("Standard").Left + CommandBars("Standard").Width
.Visible = True
End With

Thanks for the guidance...
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