Tallying matching cells based on multiple criteria.


New Member
Sep 2, 2014
I've run into a problem that's above my ability to solve :(

Within my worksheet, I have a table full of logistics orders.

In column F is the Submission Date of each order and in column I is the priority of that order.
My sheet currently highlights the order dates in column F into three categories - under 30 days, over 30 days and over 60 days. A colour is then applied to each cell in column F based on how long that order has been sitting there for.
Column I contains the priorities Stock, Routine, Urgent and Immediate.

I've been able to make tallies of each category in column F using an extended version of the following:

completedcount = 0

Dim lngLstCol As Long, lngLstRow As Long
lngLstRow = Sheets("MasterList").UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each cell In Sheets("MasterList").Range("F2:F" & lngLstRow)
If cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 4 Then
completedcount = completedcount + 1

From there, the value completedcount is placed into a cell on another worksheet.

What I'm now looking to do is make a tally based on both columns, so that I have a seperate count of all orders that are routine, stock, urgent and immediate that have also been sitting for at least 30 days - giving me 4 different numbers to work with per category.

I believe this is a possibility but the code required to do this is above me. I've done a heap of searching but have not been able to find anything similar.
Apologies if this is difficult to understand.. A little difficult to explain ><

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Cheers :)

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can you give me 24hrs to have a look at it?

Do you still want to work off the cell colour or can we use your values of - "routine, stock, urgent and immediate".

I am thinking of a series of 'if statements'..

If cell value= "routine" then routine= routine+1
If cell value= "stock" then stock = stock +1

Where do you want these counts put?

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can you give me 24hrs to have a look at it?

Do you still want to work off the cell colour or can we use your values of - "routine, stock, urgent and immediate".

I am thinking of a series of 'if statements'..

If cell value= "routine" then routine= routine+1
If cell value= "stock" then stock = stock +1

Where do you want these counts put?


Yeah mate, take your time on this one.

I have a 'Tracking' tab that contains hidden counters that a couple of graphs use. Here's a picture:

That data is pulled off the next tab, which contains all of my orders.
The code I have doing that is as follows:
Dim cell As Range
completedcount = 0
cancelledcount = 0
investigationcount = 0
under30 = 0
above30 = 0
above60 = 0
above90 = 0
totalcount = 0

For Each cell In Sheets("SQN").Range("F2:F" & lngLstRow)
If cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 4 Then
completedcount = completedcount + 1
ElseIf cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Then
cancelledcount = cancelledcount + 1
ElseIf cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 8 Then
above30 = above30 + 1
ElseIf cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Then
above60 = above60 + 1
ElseIf cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 45 Then
above90 = above90 + 1
ElseIf cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 39 Then
investigationcount = investigationcount + 1
End If

Next cell

totalcount = completedcount + cancelledcount + investigationcount + above30 + above60 + above90
under30 = lngLstRow - totalcount - 1

totalclosedcount = completedcount + cancelledcount

Worksheets("Tracking").Range("A51") = totalclosedcount
Worksheets("Tracking").Range("B51") = cancelledcount
Worksheets("Tracking").Range("C51") = investigationcount
Worksheets("Tracking").Range("D51") = under30
Worksheets("Tracking").Range("E51") = above30
Worksheets("Tracking").Range("F51") = above60
Worksheets("Tracking").Range("G51") = above90

However what I'd like to do now is have a third graph that shows (for example) how many orders that have sat for more than 90 days are urgent, routine, immediate or stock.

So for example, if ColorIndex = 45 AND Column I = 'ROUTINE', add 1 to '90daysroutine' counter.
Sadly I don't have the knowledge to be able to make this work though.

Thanks for your help!
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Have you considered using the SUMPRODUCT() function instead of VBA?

That came up while I was investigating other ways I could do this. I believe the problem I found was that the range I'm tallying from is constantly changing; the columns we're looking at can one day be 1:25 and the next be 1:300, so it was too hard to do outside VBA.
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Incorporate this into your code where it best fits-

 ninetydaysurgentcount = 0
ninetydaysroutinecount = 0
ninetydaysimmediatecount = 0
ninetydaysstockcount = 0

For Each cell In Sheets("SQN").Range("F2:F" & lngLstRow)
If cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 45 And cell.Offset(0, 3) = "URGENT" Then
ninetydaysurgentcount = ninetydaysurgentcount + 1
End If
For Each cell In Sheets("SQN").Range("F2:F" & lngLstRow)
If cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 45 And cell.Offset(0, 3) = "ROUTINE" Then
ninetydaysroutinecount = ninetydaysroutinecount + 1
End If
For Each cell In Sheets("SQN").Range("F2:F" & lngLstRow)
If cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 45 And cell.Offset(0, 3) = "IMMEDIATE" Then
ninetydaysimmediatecount = ninetydaysimmediatecount + 1
End If
For Each cell In Sheets("SQN").Range("F2:F" & lngLstRow)
If cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 45 And cell.Offset(0, 3) = "STOCK" Then
ninetydaysstockcount = ninetydaysstockcount + 1
End If
Next cell

Hope that helps,

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Incorporate this into your code where it best fits-

 ninetydaysurgentcount = 0
ninetydaysroutinecount = 0
ninetydaysimmediatecount = 0
ninetydaysstockcount = 0

For Each cell In Sheets("SQN").Range("F2:F" & lngLstRow)
If cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 45 And cell.Offset(0, 3) = "URGENT" Then
ninetydaysurgentcount = ninetydaysurgentcount + 1
End If
For Each cell In Sheets("SQN").Range("F2:F" & lngLstRow)
If cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 45 And cell.Offset(0, 3) = "ROUTINE" Then
ninetydaysroutinecount = ninetydaysroutinecount + 1
End If
For Each cell In Sheets("SQN").Range("F2:F" & lngLstRow)
If cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 45 And cell.Offset(0, 3) = "IMMEDIATE" Then
ninetydaysimmediatecount = ninetydaysimmediatecount + 1
End If
For Each cell In Sheets("SQN").Range("F2:F" & lngLstRow)
If cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 45 And cell.Offset(0, 3) = "STOCK" Then
ninetydaysstockcount = ninetydaysstockcount + 1
End If
Next cell

Hope that helps,


Man, I could kiss you.
Works perfectly. Thankyou so much!

I wasn't aware the Offset feature even existed - I think I'll now be incorporating it into a few things.

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