Timesheet: easy entry, then calculate


New Member
Feb 18, 2016
Hi lovely Excel forumers. I've searched, but I keep finding things that are quite different from what I want to do.

I am making a timesheet entry form.

I want people to be able to enter the time in 4 key presses (e.g. for 12:45, I just want them to be able to type 1245, and not need to mess about entering a colon in the middle).

To get that to work (for some value of "worked"), I changed the format of the cells to a custom number type: 00\:00

But, of course, when it goes to calculate 1200 - 0830 (to work out hours worked in the morning) it gets 03:70. Which is bad.

So data entry is fine - it looks great! But I'm guessing I need to convert those numbers back into times before I can do the "end time minus the start time = hours worked" calculations, right?

So assuming the users aren't dopes and actually enter valid times, is there a way I can convert times in the format of 00\:00 into actual hh:mm format?

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Hi and welcome to MrExcel,

With changing the number format to create an easy input you've changed the actual input from time to general number and hence the calculation of 12:00 -/- 08:30 will in fact be 1200-830.

You were on the right track with the remark to convert the numbers back into time.

try this:

Cell Formulas

Cells D1,E1`and F1 and cell with a time format [hh]:mm

Hope this helps.
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Thank you so much for the very quick reply. I'll give that a go on Monday and report back!
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Hi and welcome to MrExcel,

With changing the number format to create an easy input you've changed the actual input from time to general number and hence the calculation of 12:00 -/- 08:30 will in fact be 1200-830.

You were on the right track with the remark to convert the numbers back into time.

try this:
108:3012:008:30:0012:00:003:30:00 3,50

<colgroup><col style="width: 25pxpx"><col><col><col><col><col><col><col></colgroup><thead>

Worksheet Formulas



Cells D1,E1`and F1 and cell with a time format [hh]:mm

Hope this helps.

It worked! Thanks heaps.

I did have to allow for errors, since blank entries gave me the dreaded #VALUE! all over the place, which messed up some of the calculations. So the code I used in the end was:

=IFERROR(TIME(LEFT(A1,IF(LEN(A1)=3,1,2)),RIGHT(A1,2),), 0)

...and formatting took care of the rest.

Thanks again!
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