Basically, I just started using MS Excel 2010 this year so don't really have a lot of experience with it and found this forum while searching Google.
I want to create a spreadsheet which helps me calculate my expenses and lists the type/mode etc.
One of the problems I encountered, is that I think I used a very inefficient method. ie. My comp lags quite a bit when I key in something.
Here's how my excel sheet is supposed to work:
The "Reference" sheet has all my droplist/data.
"Input" is for me to enter the data
"Summary" displays the different categories and compares the spendings over the 12 months.
After the Month and Category are selected and the amount entered, that amount is transferred to the respective slot on the "Summary" page and a total of that category is calculated, after which, the month's total is tallied.
Each Amount cell on the "Summary" page contains this formula:
=SUMPRODUCT(--(Input!A:A=Summary!$B$2),--(Input!E:E=B3), Input!G:G)
The variables are underlined.
1. Checks the Month Column(Input A:A) and if it matches the Header Month(Summary)...
2. Checks the Category Column(Input E:E) and if it matches the Category(Summary)...
3. Enter the value of Amount(Input G:G)
What I couldn't figure out when designing:
How to parse the correct amount to the respective month and category.
What I think is inefficient:
When any value is entered, it will be polled 144 times (12 categories x 12 months) and each poll goes through 3 columns (A:A, E:E & G:G).
Anyone can give me advice on what to do?
My Excel Sheet can be downloaded from Mediafire
I want to create a spreadsheet which helps me calculate my expenses and lists the type/mode etc.
One of the problems I encountered, is that I think I used a very inefficient method. ie. My comp lags quite a bit when I key in something.
Here's how my excel sheet is supposed to work:
The "Reference" sheet has all my droplist/data.
"Input" is for me to enter the data
"Summary" displays the different categories and compares the spendings over the 12 months.
After the Month and Category are selected and the amount entered, that amount is transferred to the respective slot on the "Summary" page and a total of that category is calculated, after which, the month's total is tallied.
Each Amount cell on the "Summary" page contains this formula:
=SUMPRODUCT(--(Input!A:A=Summary!$B$2),--(Input!E:E=B3), Input!G:G)
The variables are underlined.
1. Checks the Month Column(Input A:A) and if it matches the Header Month(Summary)...
2. Checks the Category Column(Input E:E) and if it matches the Category(Summary)...
3. Enter the value of Amount(Input G:G)
What I couldn't figure out when designing:
How to parse the correct amount to the respective month and category.
What I think is inefficient:
When any value is entered, it will be polled 144 times (12 categories x 12 months) and each poll goes through 3 columns (A:A, E:E & G:G).
Anyone can give me advice on what to do?
My Excel Sheet can be downloaded from Mediafire