Hi guru's,
I have a code, which does me well. Where "Data" column L has the GL account # 10346500 it takes some cell values from source sheet row and copies it into "OPLOSS" sheet. It copies the data from msSourceColumns to my Target sheet, but puts the data in columns A,B,C,D,E respectively.
I need to tweak the code so the target sheet "OPLOSS" values are in column U,M,W,C,D
in the last row (not A,B,C,D,E).
I've tried to play with it by creating Const msTargetColumns As String = ,U,M,W,C,Dand adding some additional Dim
but was failing at wsTo.Range
Option Explicit
Const msEventColumn As String = "L"
Const msSourceColumns As String = ",A,D,E,L,E,"
Sub CopyData()
Dim iPtr As Integer
Dim lTargetRow As Long
Dim rCur As Range
Dim sFirstAddress As String
Dim saSourceCols() As String
Dim vaData() As Variant
Dim wsFrom As Worksheet, wsTo As Worksheet
Set wsFrom = Sheets("Data")
Set wsTo = Sheets("OPLOSS")
lTargetRow = wsTo.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
saSourceCols = Split(msSourceColumns, ",")
ReDim vaData(1 To 1, 1 To UBound(saSourceCols))
With wsFrom.Columns(msEventColumn)
Set rCur = .Find("10346500", LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not rCur Is Nothing Then
sFirstAddress = rCur.Address
For iPtr = 1 To UBound(saSourceCols)
vaData(1, iPtr) = wsFrom.Cells(rCur.Row, saSourceCols(iPtr)).Value
Next iPtr
lTargetRow = lTargetRow + 1
wsTo.Range("A" & lTargetRow, Cells(lTargetRow, UBound(vaData, 2)).Address).Value = vaData
Set rCur = .FindNext(rCur)
If rCur Is Nothing Then Exit Do
Loop While rCur.Address <> sFirstAddress
End If
End With
End Sub
I have a code, which does me well. Where "Data" column L has the GL account # 10346500 it takes some cell values from source sheet row and copies it into "OPLOSS" sheet. It copies the data from msSourceColumns to my Target sheet, but puts the data in columns A,B,C,D,E respectively.
I need to tweak the code so the target sheet "OPLOSS" values are in column U,M,W,C,D
in the last row (not A,B,C,D,E).
I've tried to play with it by creating Const msTargetColumns As String = ,U,M,W,C,Dand adding some additional Dim
but was failing at wsTo.Range
Option Explicit
Const msEventColumn As String = "L"
Const msSourceColumns As String = ",A,D,E,L,E,"
Sub CopyData()
Dim iPtr As Integer
Dim lTargetRow As Long
Dim rCur As Range
Dim sFirstAddress As String
Dim saSourceCols() As String
Dim vaData() As Variant
Dim wsFrom As Worksheet, wsTo As Worksheet
Set wsFrom = Sheets("Data")
Set wsTo = Sheets("OPLOSS")
lTargetRow = wsTo.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
saSourceCols = Split(msSourceColumns, ",")
ReDim vaData(1 To 1, 1 To UBound(saSourceCols))
With wsFrom.Columns(msEventColumn)
Set rCur = .Find("10346500", LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not rCur Is Nothing Then
sFirstAddress = rCur.Address
For iPtr = 1 To UBound(saSourceCols)
vaData(1, iPtr) = wsFrom.Cells(rCur.Row, saSourceCols(iPtr)).Value
Next iPtr
lTargetRow = lTargetRow + 1
wsTo.Range("A" & lTargetRow, Cells(lTargetRow, UBound(vaData, 2)).Address).Value = vaData
Set rCur = .FindNext(rCur)
If rCur Is Nothing Then Exit Do
Loop While rCur.Address <> sFirstAddress
End If
End With
End Sub