Variable not set up right?


Board Regular
Feb 4, 2019
Hi all. I've created this simple code to help me move some data around. I'm trying to move data from Column C to Column D, E, F, etc when there is no text in a cell within Column B. See my code and example below.

Sub Test()​

Dim rownum As Long​
Dim rowtext As Long​
Dim colmnltr As Long​

For rownum = 2 To 950​

If IsEmpty(Range("B" & rownum)) Then​

Range("C" & rownum).Select​
colmnltr = colmnltr + 1​
Range(Columns(colmnltr) & rowtext).Select​

rowtext = rownum​
colmnltr = 3​

End If​

Next rownum​

End Sub

Initial Data:
NameRelationshipImmediate FamilyNOK 1NOK 2NOK 3
FName LNameFatherSon - First Last
Mother - XX
Father - XY
First LastBrotherMother - XX
Father - XY


After VBA formatting:
NameRelationshipImmediate FamilyNOK 1NOK 2NOK 3
FName LNameFatherSon - First LastMother - XXFather - XY
First LastBrotherMother - XXFather - XY


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How about
Sub butch3()
   Dim rng As Range
   For Each rng In Range("B:B").SpecialCells(xlBlanks).Areas
      rng.Offset(-1, 2).Resize(1, rng.Count).Value = Application.Transpose(rng.Offset(, 1).Value)
      rng.Offset(, 1).Value = ""
     [COLOR=#ff0000] rng.EntireRow.Delete[/COLOR]
   Next rng
End Sub
If you don't want to delete the empty rows remove the line in red.
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That was incredibly efficient.

Is there any reason that my code didn't or wouldn't work? I guess I need to read more about the specialcells, areas, offset, resize, and transpose functions.
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To be honest I didn't actually look at your code.
But this wont work
Range(Columns(colmnltr) & rowtext).Select
as Range needs a letter for the column not a number.
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