I've a sub (lists opened workbooks name) in wb1 in module1:
It works perfectly, but when I open my other wb (lets say wb2) which contains module1 (gives the comment of the target range):
and Module2 (checks if there's a comment in the target range):
and run (step-by step), after
it jumps to Module2 loops through the cells which contains the formula, then Module1 loops through the cells which contains the formula and stops. Never gets back to the macro I intended to run.
Can I prevent to run these functions (or any function/sub in other worksheet)?
Or is there another option?
Than you,
I've a sub (lists opened workbooks name) in wb1 in module1:
Sub Auto_Open()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim Wbc As Byte
Wbc = 1
For Each wb In Application.Workbooks
If wb.Name <> "wb1.xls" Then
Cells(Wbc, 20) = wb.Name
Wbc = Wbc + 1
End If
It works perfectly, but when I open my other wb (lets say wb2) which contains module1 (gives the comment of the target range):
Function MyComment(rng As Range)
Dim str As String
str = Trim(rng.Comment.Text)
MyComment = str
End Function
and Module2 (checks if there's a comment in the target range):
Function HasComment(Target As Range) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Dim txt As String
txt = Target.Comment.Text
HasComment = Err.Number = 0
End Function
and run (step-by step), after
it jumps to Module2 loops through the cells which contains the formula, then Module1 loops through the cells which contains the formula and stops. Never gets back to the macro I intended to run.
Can I prevent to run these functions (or any function/sub in other worksheet)?
Or is there another option?
Than you,