[VBA] Issues with some VBA translation


New Member
Apr 12, 2013
Hi all,

I find myself attempting to learn VBA bit by bit, kicking myself in the butt as I had chosen to ignore excel through my college (NOBODY USES MATLAB (EXCEPT R&D) PROFESSORS!)

Anyway, on to my issue - I know how to approach this in a programming sense, I just have no idea how to translate it into VBA.

This is my scenario -

I have a bunch of data that I import from a .csv file. Then, on the main sheet titled (Schedule). This occupies cols A through I. Columns K, L are calculated values based upon the previous columns.

I now run into the following issue: I created a calculations sheet, which is named after colA/B. I need to create this sheet for each row of data. This sheet is populated with data from cols A-L, then does some calculations which are sent back to the main sheet (Schedule) for the remaining columns M-Q.

Programming-wise, I'd probably treat it something like this (pseudocode)

data = dataread(export.csv)
z = size(data)
for i = 1:z
    % do calculations for cols K/L
    % do calcs for remaining cols

What I'm having issues conceptualizing in vba is keeping track of the index - is this even needed? How would I go about populating the calcs sheet with data from the correct row?

If this is extremely vague, let me know and I can try to explain more or post the spreadsheet.
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Excel Facts

Copy formula down without changing references
If you have =SUM(F2:F49) in F50; type Alt+' in F51 to copy =SUM(F2:F49) to F51, leaving the formula in edit mode. Change SUM to COUNT.
Does the VBA syntax

For i = 1 to Z Step 1
    ' do stuff with i

Next i
help with your problem?
(the "Step 1 " is optional, but included for those cases where you want something other than 1 (negative step is OK in VBA__
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Does the VBA syntax

For i = 1 to Z Step 1
    ' do stuff with i

Next i
help with your problem?
(the "Step 1 " is optional, but included for those cases where you want something other than 1 (negative step is OK in VBA__

Hahahaha, no, not really. I'm going to spend a weekend with a book on this stuff and I'll report back.
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