im using excel 2007 and need assitstance with the following:
i got data from colomn A to F.
in colomn A i got unique codes.
in colomn C and D i got numbers.(some cells are empty)
i want to assian a macro that when i click it it will ask me :
"plz eneter a code"- once i did it it will search in colomn A the code and will color cell C of the same row if it consist of a number.
if there is no number in colomn C,it will search colomn D,and if there is a number -will color it.
if there is no number in both C&D -it will pop up a msg "there is no match".
thank u very much
im using excel 2007 and need assitstance with the following:
i got data from colomn A to F.
in colomn A i got unique codes.
in colomn C and D i got numbers.(some cells are empty)
i want to assian a macro that when i click it it will ask me :
"plz eneter a code"- once i did it it will search in colomn A the code and will color cell C of the same row if it consist of a number.
if there is no number in colomn C,it will search colomn D,and if there is a number -will color it.
if there is no number in both C&D -it will pop up a msg "there is no match".
thank u very much