I have a material takeoff for the structurals in one workbook. Cell E33 holds the name of the item "SqRect" and is called up with this formula. =IF(ISNA(MATCH(C33,'BT_Bridges & Supports for Fermenter Tank.xls'!sqrecttube_lbl,0)),"BOGUS","SqRect"). The lookup table is called SqRectTube_TBL and has two columns and is in a seperate workbook. The first column has the concatenated tube sizes such as 4x4x.25 and is named SqRectTube_LBL. The weight per foot for the tube is in the second column of the table and is called up with this formula =IF(E33="sqrect",VLOOKUP(C33,'BT_Bridges & Supports for Fermenter Tank.xls'!sqrect_TBL,2)*G33,"BOGUS"). As you can see the LBL and the TBL are not self capitized in the formulas like they shouild be. There are other tables on the same tables worksheet and they work just fine with the same formulas. The "SqRectTube" table is a new table and was just added to the tables worksheet. I can't put the tables in the same workbook as the material takeoff because of the file size. Any ideas?