vlookup or something simliar


Board Regular
May 24, 2005
I am trying to use a formula that will do this:

Data ranges from A1 to D50

I want to look for a word that is spreadout in the C column lets say "WORK"

  A             B           C            D
1words     more                  words
2words     more       WORK     words
3          more    WORK     words
4words     more                  words
5words     more    WORK     words
6words     more                  words

So for any row in column C that says "WORK" I want to extract it out and list it on another work sheet

so it ends up looking like this:
words     more    WORK     words
words     more    WORK     words
words     more    WORK     words

Hopefully thats not too confusing and can be done using a formula?

Thanks for your help,

Excel Facts

Spell Check in Excel
Press F7 to start spell check in Excel. Be careful, by default, Excel does not check Capitalized Werds (whoops)
Sorry think a macro is the only solution

Paste the below code in the macro window ( Alt F8)

Sub copy_data()

Dim lr As Long

lr = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
n = 1

'any text 'Work' in column 3 (C) the whole row will
' be copied over to Sheet2

For i = 1 To lr
If Cells(i, 3).Text = "Work" Then
  n = n + 1
 End If
Next i

Application.CutCopyMode = False

End Sub
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