Hopefully this is a simple question - but its one I haven't been able to solve on my own. How can a vlookup function be used to reference a 'table' of data in another workbook (workbook is also in a different root directory on our network if that matters). I don't want to simply coy the data from the 'other' workbook into the one I'm currently working on as I need the data centralized, because other workbooks refer to it, and I don't want to have to make updates/changes to the data in multiple workbooks....
If that's confusing - here's the code I'm using - currently I am getting the generic #N/A error message in the formula
Any ideas on how I can get this to work?
If that's confusing - here's the code I'm using - currently I am getting the generic #N/A error message in the formula
=VLOOKUP(B2,'T:\ACCD\WEI\PF\[Content Ranking.xls]Summary II'!$A:$D,3,FALSE)
Any ideas on how I can get this to work?