was some sort of security update released last night ?


Active Member
Feb 26, 2017
I have my script which has worked without any problem for about 1 year. Until today as far as I can tell no changes have been made to target website.

I scarpe like this.

1 download html doc as a text file
then I run this code:

2 , then I run this code , which extract the data from the text file:

Sub XscoreSoccer()
   Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = Worksheets("Data")
   Dim LrowData, LrowTeams, LrowLeague, lr, lrdata, datalr As Long, j As Long, posfrom As Long, _
       posFrom2, Startpos As Long, EndPos As Long, posto As Long, posTo2 As Long, Country As String, _
       League As String, textline As String, NewLeague As String, Hteam As String, LP As String, _
       boldremover As String, HomeFT As String, AwayFT As String, FT As String, Ateam As String, _
       FindTeamB As String, venue As String, mTime As String, CountryAbbreviation As String, _
       FindTeamA As String, Pos As String, Friendly As String, HomeHT As String, AwayHT As String, _
       mDate As Date, Season As String, txt As String, PN As String, HomeET As String, AwayET As String, _
       YcardHome As String, YcardAway As String, RcardHome As String, RcardAway As String, Round As String, _
       TimeZone As String, gameStatus As String, MyFile As String, Sport As String, competition As String
   Sport = LetterCase(ws.Cells(14, "AW"))
   With Application
      .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
      .ScreenUpdating = False
   End With
   TimeZone = ws.Cells(3, "AW")
   TimeZone = Application.VLookup(TimeZone, ws.Range("AZ2:BA5"), 2, False)
   MyFile = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\HtmlDoc.txt"
   LrowData = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "H").End(xlUp).row
   LrowTeams = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "AH").End(xlUp).row
   LrowLeague = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "AR").End(xlUp).row
   lr = Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).row + 1
   lrdata = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "AQ").End(xlUp).row
   datalr = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "AG").End(xlUp).row
   MyFile = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\HtmlDoc.txt"
   Open MyFile For Input As #1
   j = 12

    Line Input #1, textline
        posfrom = InStr(textline, "data-league-name=""")
        If posfrom <> 0 Then
            posto = InStr(posfrom + 19, textline, """")
            League = Mid$(textline, posfrom + 19, posto - 19 - posfrom)
            League = LetterCase(League)
            League = LeagueLookup(League)
            posfrom = InStr(textline, "data-matchday=""")
            posto = InStr(posfrom + 16, textline, """")
            mDate = Mid$(textline, posfrom + 16, posto - 16 - posfrom)
            mDate = Replace(mDate, "-", "/")
            Cells(j, "X").Value = mDate
            'Home Team
            posfrom = InStr(textline, "data-home-team=""")
            posto = InStr(posfrom + 19, textline, """")
            Hteam = Mid$(textline, posfrom + 17, posto - 17 - posfrom)
            Hteam = LetterCase(Hteam)
            Hteam = soccer(Hteam)
            On Error Resume Next
            Hteam = Application.VLookup(Hteam, ws.Range("AG" & 2 & ":AH" & LrowTeams), 2, False)
            Sheets("Soccer").Cells(j, "I").Value = Hteam
            'Away Team
            posfrom = InStr(textline, "data-away-team=""")
            posto = InStr(posfrom + 17, textline, """")
            Ateam = Mid$(textline, posfrom + 17, posto - 17 - posfrom)
            Ateam = LetterCase(Ateam)
            Ateam = soccer(Ateam)
            Ateam = Application.VLookup(Ateam, ws.Range("AG" & 2 & ":AH" & LrowTeams), 2, False)
            Sheets("Soccer").Cells(j, "M").Value = Ateam
            posfrom = InStr(textline, "data-game-status=""")
            posto = InStr(posfrom + 20, textline, """")
            gameStatus = Mid$(textline, posfrom + 19, posto - 19 - posfrom)
            gameStatus = Replace(gameStatus, "Sched", "SCH")
            gameStatus = Replace(gameStatus, "2 HF", "2HF")
            gameStatus = Replace(gameStatus, "Post", "PSTP")
            gameStatus = Replace(gameStatus, "1 HF", "1HF")
            gameStatus = Replace(gameStatus, "H/T", "HT")
            gameStatus = Replace(gameStatus, "Fin", "FT")
            gameStatus = Replace(gameStatus, "SCH", "KO")
            Sheets("Soccer").Cells(j, "E").Value = gameStatus
            Sheets("Soccer").Cells(j, "K").Value = "-:-"
            posfrom = InStr(textline, "data-country-name=""")
            posto = InStr(posfrom + 20, textline, """")
            Country = Mid$(textline, posfrom + 20, posto - 20 - posfrom)
            Country = LetterCase(Country)
            Country = ReplaceCountry(Country)
            Sheets("Soccer").Cells(j, "F").Value = Country
            'New String
            posfrom = InStr(textline, "data-country-name=""")
            posto = InStr(posfrom + 3020, textline, """")
            txt = Mid$(textline, posfrom + 0, posto - 20 - posfrom)
            posFrom2 = InStr(txt, "score_score score_cell centerTXT")
            posTo2 = InStr(posFrom2 + 100, txt, """")
            HomeFT = Mid$(txt, posFrom2 + 82, posTo2 - 91 - posFrom2)
            HomeFT = Left(HomeFT, 10)
            HomeFT = Left(HomeFT, 1)
            posFrom2 = InStr(txt, "scorea_ft score_cell centerTXT")
            posTo2 = InStr(posFrom2 + 41, txt, "")
            AwayFT = Mid$(txt, posFrom2 + 33, posTo2 - 40 - posFrom2)
            'Output to sheet
            Select Case gameStatus
               Case "PSTP"
                  Sheets("Soccer").Cells(j, "K").Value = "PSTP"
               Case "Canc"
                  Sheets("Soccer").Cells(j, "K").Value = "Canc"
               Case Else
                  Sheets("Soccer").Cells(j, "K").Value = HomeFT & " - " & AwayFT
            End Select
            posFrom2 = InStr(txt, "scoreh_ht score_cell centerTXT")
            posTo2 = InStr(posFrom2 + 50, txt, "")
            HomeHT = Mid$(txt, posFrom2 + 33, posTo2 - 87 - posFrom2)
            posFrom2 = InStr(txt, "scorea_ht score_cell centerTXT")
            posTo2 = InStr(posFrom2 + 36, txt, "")
            AwayHT = Mid$(txt, posFrom2 + 33, posTo2 - 40 - posFrom2)
            Sheets("Soccer").Cells(j, "O").Value = HomeHT & " - " & AwayHT
            posfrom = InStr(textline, "data-league-round=""")
            posto = InStr(posfrom + 20, textline, """")
            Round = Mid$(textline, posfrom + 20, posto - 20 - posfrom)
            Round = LetterCase(Round)
            Round = Replace(Round, "Gs", "GS")
            Round = Replace(Round, "Sf", "SF")
            Sheets("Soccer").Cells(j, "W").Value = Round
            'leaguePos (Home)
            posFrom2 = InStr(txt, "")
            posTo2 = InStr(posFrom2 + 70, txt, """")
            Sheets("Soccer").Cells(j, "J").Value = Mid$(txt, posFrom2 + 16, posTo2 - 70 - posFrom2)
            'leaguePos (Away)
            posFrom2 = InStr(txt, "score_away_txt score_cell wrap")
            posTo2 = InStr(posFrom2 + 122, txt, """")
            LP = Mid$(txt, posFrom2 + 90, posTo2 - posFrom2 - 0)
            LP = Replace(LP, "
", "")
            LP = Replace(LP, "", "")
            Startpos = InStr(LP, "'lp'")
            LP = Mid(LP, Startpos + 5, 2)
            If Right(LP, 1) = vbLf Then LP = Left(LP, 1)
            LP = Replace(LP, "&n", "")
            Sheets("Soccer").Cells(j, "L").Value = LP
            posFrom2 = InStr(txt, "score_pen score_cell")
            posTo2 = InStr(posFrom2 + 23, txt, "")
            PN = Mid$(txt, posFrom2 + 23, posTo2 - 23 - posFrom2)
            PN = Replace(PN, "-", " - ")
            Sheets("Soccer").Cells(j, "Q").Value = PN
            'Home ET
            posFrom2 = InStr(txt, "scoreh_et score_cell centerTXT")
            posTo2 = InStr(posFrom2 + 0, txt, "")
            HomeET = Mid$(txt, posFrom2 + 0, posTo2 - 0 - posFrom2)
            HomeET = Replace(HomeET, "scoreh_et score_cell centerTXT", "")
            HomeET = Replace(HomeET, """>", "")
            HomeET = Replace(HomeET, """", "")
            'Cells(j, "AA").Value = HomeET
            'Away ET
            posFrom2 = InStr(txt, "scorea_et score_cell centerTXT")
            posTo2 = InStr(posFrom2 + 0, txt, "")
            AwayET = Mid$(txt, posFrom2 + 0, posTo2 - 0 - posFrom2)
            AwayET = Replace(AwayET, "scorea_et score_cell centerTXT", "")
            AwayET = Replace(AwayET, """>", "")
            AwayET = Replace(AwayET, """", "")
            If HomeET <> "" Then Sheets("Soccer").Cells(j, "P").Value = HomeET & " - " & AwayET
            'YellowCards (Home)
            posFrom2 = InStr(txt, "score_home_txt score_cell wrap")
            posTo2 = InStr(posFrom2 + 270, txt, """")
            YcardHome = Mid$(txt, posFrom2 + 0, posTo2 - 0 - posFrom2)
            posFrom2 = InStr(YcardHome, "y_cards")
            posTo2 = InStr(posFrom2 + 20, YcardHome, "")
            YcardHome = Mid$(YcardHome, posFrom2 + 0, posTo2 - 0 - posFrom2)
            If InStr(YcardHome, "&nbsp") <> 0 Then YcardHome = ""
            YcardHome = Right(YcardHome, 8)
            YcardHome = Replace(YcardHome, "", "")
            Sheets("Soccer").Cells(j, "S").Value = Right(YcardHome, 8)
            'YellowCards (Away)
            posFrom2 = InStr(txt, "score_away_txt score_cell wrap")
            posTo2 = InStr(posFrom2 + 270, txt, """")
            YcardAway = Mid$(txt, posFrom2 + 0, posTo2 - 0 - posFrom2)
            posFrom2 = InStr(YcardAway, "y_cards")
            posTo2 = InStr(posFrom2 + 20, YcardAway, "")
            YcardAway = Mid$(YcardAway, posFrom2 + 0, posTo2 - 0 - posFrom2)
            If InStr(YcardAway, "&nbsp") <> 0 Then YcardAway = ""
            YcardAway = Right(YcardAway, 8)
            YcardAway = Replace(YcardAway, "", "")
            Sheets("Soccer").Cells(j, "T").Value = Right(YcardAway, 8)
            'RedCards (Home)
            posFrom2 = InStr(txt, "score_home_txt score_cell wrap")
            posTo2 = InStr(posFrom2 + 370, txt, """")
            RcardHome = Mid$(txt, posFrom2 + 0, posTo2 - 0 - posFrom2)
            posFrom2 = InStr(RcardHome, "r_cards")
            posTo2 = InStr(posFrom2 + 0, RcardHome, "/div")
            RcardHome = Mid$(RcardHome, posFrom2 + 0, posTo2 - 0 - posFrom2)
            If InStr(RcardHome, "&nbsp") <> 0 Then RcardHome = ""
            RcardHome = Right(RcardHome, 9)
            RcardHome = Left(RcardHome, 1)
            Sheets("Soccer").Cells(j, "U").Value = RcardHome
            'RedCards (away)
            posFrom2 = InStr(txt, "score_away_txt score_cell wrap")
            posTo2 = InStr(posFrom2 + 370, txt, """")
            RcardAway = Mid$(txt, posFrom2 + 0, posTo2 - 0 - posFrom2)
            posFrom2 = InStr(RcardAway, "r_cards")
            posTo2 = InStr(posFrom2 + 0, RcardAway, "/div")
            RcardAway = Mid$(RcardAway, posFrom2 + 0, posTo2 - 0 - posFrom2)
            If InStr(RcardAway, "&nbsp") <> 0 Then RcardAway = ""
            RcardAway = Right(RcardAway, 9)
            RcardAway = Left(RcardAway, 1)
            Sheets("Soccer").Cells(j, "V").Value = RcardAway
            posfrom = InStr(textline, "data-season=""")
            posto = InStr(posfrom + 14, textline, """")
            Season = Mid$(textline, posfrom + 14, posto - 14 - posfrom)
            Sheets("Soccer").Cells(j, "R").Value = Season
            'League Prefix
            CountryAbbreviation = LCase(Application.VLookup(Country, ws.Range("H" & 2 & ":I" & LrowData), 2, False))
            League = League & " (" & CountryAbbreviation & ")"
            League = Application.VLookup(League, ws.Range("AQ" & 2 & ":AR" & LrowLeague), 2, False)
            Sheets("Soccer").Cells(j, "H").Value = League
            posfrom = InStr(textline, "score_ko score_cell""")
            posto = InStr(posfrom + 22, textline, """")
            mTime = Mid$(textline, posfrom + 22, posto - 41 - posfrom)
            mTime = DateAdd("h", TimeZone, mTime)
            'Cells(j, "E").Value = TimeValue(mTime)
            Sheets("Soccer").Cells(j, "D").Value = mDate + TimeValue(mTime)
            posfrom = InStr(textline, "data-note=""")
            venue = Mid$(textline, posfrom + 19, posto - 19 - posfrom)
            EndPos = InStr(1, venue, "Turf:")
            venue = Left(venue, EndPos - 3)
            If Len(venue) = 3 And venue = "ut." Then venue = "Unknown Venue"
            If InStr(venue, "competition-name") Then venue = "Unknown Venue"
            If InStr(venue, "Venue:") Then
               Startpos = InStr(venue, "Venue:")
               venue = Mid(venue, Startpos + 6)
            End If
            venue = Replace(venue, "f second half delayed. Venue: ", "")
            If Left(venue, 1) = vbLf Then venue = Mid(venue, 2)
            Sheets("Soccer").Cells(j, "N").Value = venue
            'Reset Vars
            CountryAbbreviation = ""
            League = ""
            Country = ""
            Hteam = ""
            Ateam = ""
            venue = ""
            HomeHT = ""
            AwayET = ""
            HomeET = ""
            j = j + 1
            textline = Mid$(textline, posfrom + posto - posfrom + 1)
        End If
    Loop While InStr(textline, "data-country-name") <> 0

    Close #1

   With Application
      .ScreenUpdating = True
      .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
   End With

   'If ws.Cells(2, "AW") = "Upcoming" Then RemovePassedDate
   If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Mockup" Then
      Cells(12, "B").Select
   End If
   Sheets("Soccer").Cells(11, "B").Value = mDate

End Sub

Does anyone know what might be wrong ?

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It might help if you mentioned what's actually happening now? ;)
Upvote 0
well nothing is happening.

I get no results from the text file but after reviewing it all of the data seems to be the same as it always have been.


For some reason I'm not able to add attachments any more?

But here is a link to the txt file:https://files.fm/u/hppcuttz#_

I Have reviewed the site here and looks like they added a lot of Javascript code into the "head" and not in a separate script folder. Maybe this could be messing up my code ...

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Upvote 0
Also did a test to check if the loop is working:

        posfrom = InStr(textline, "data-league-name")
        If posfrom = 0 Then MsgBox "Error"

Which did indeed return error , but data-league-name is clearly found in the .txt document ...

For me it looks like it does not read through the entire file...
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