Weekend Time


Board Regular
Dec 8, 2003
I am calculating the difference between a start and a stop time but don't want to include the weekends.

Is there a function to do this?


Excel Facts

Round to nearest half hour?
Use =MROUND(A2,"0:30") to round to nearest half hour. Use =CEILING(A2,"0:30") to round to next half hour.
I need to get more specific than just days. I need to be able to determine how many hours and minutes that elapsed between the start and finish times.

By the way, I am having trouble with Colo's HTMLMaker. I had it working yesterday but today it gives me a compile error "'Can't find project or library". I checked the VBA Editor for a "missing" line but there wasn't one in the list. Any ideas?
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which version of html maker do you have? i couldn't get ver 2.41 to work for me, but 1.00 works like a charm. that would really help i think. sounds like a couple of ways to do what you want.
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i use:


(which i'm sure can be made simpler!! ;) )

Named Ranges are:
StartDT = Start Time (i.e. 11/05/2003 2:52:12 PM)
EndDT = End Time (i.e. 11/06/2003 1:34:16 PM)
DayStart = Start Time of work (i.e 7 am)
DayEnd = End Time of work (i.e. 5 pm)
HoildayList = Range of cells that are holiday (i.e. Dec 25th, etc), this isn't needed if there are none.

Hope you can figure it out!
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i believe there is a shorter formula.

i came up with:


where a1 houses start date and time(must be formatted to date&time), b1 houses end date and time(must be formatted to date&time).

cell w/ formula must be formatted to number w/ 3-4 decimals (for accuracy)

looks like:

hope this helps.
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firefytr, that gets me close, but it I need the reult to be expresses in HH:MM. I have formatted cell C1 to [H]:mm, but the result is incorrect. What am I doing wrong?
Estimate Tracking Example.xls

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no your not doing anything wrong. the formula simply displayed it as days w/ 2 decimals. with what you want, it gets more comlicated. since dates can span more than a day, i did it like this:

change formula to (and i know, it's much longer :( ):

=(NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1))&" Days "&INT(((((NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1))+((B1-A1)-(NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1))-INT((B1-A1)-(NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1)))))-INT((NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1))+((B1-A1)-(NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1))-INT((B1-A1)-(NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1))))))*1440)/60)&" Hours "&ROUND((((((NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1))+((B1-A1)-(NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1))-INT((B1-A1)-(NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1)))))-INT((NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1))+((B1-A1)-(NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1))-INT((B1-A1)-(NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1))))))*1440)/60-INT((((NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1))+((B1-A1)-(NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1))-INT((B1-A1)-(NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1)))))-INT((NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1))+((B1-A1)-(NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1))-INT((B1-A1)-(NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1))))))*1440)/60),2)&" Minutes"

w/ "=date(2004,1,1)" in a1, and "=today()+0.167" in b1 (+0.167 for 4 hours - to test with), this is what you should see.
16 Days 4 Hours 0.01 Minutes

you can modify this in any way.

this formula should just give you hours w/ 3 decimal points.


hope this helps you. sorry about the long wait. :confused:

edit: second formula i inserted four rows so all references are 5th row instead of 1st! - i'm sorry for the confustion :oops:
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