Generally it is unwise to put data back into SQL from Excel for a number of reasons which are not really relevant here.
It is safer to get SQL to read the data using the OPENROWSOURCE command or to create a linked server to the Excel spreadsheet, but this will require the feature to be enabled (surface area configuration) in SQL (you don't say which version of SQL you are using)
If you really must post the data back from Excel then you will need to follow these steps
Create a new ADODB connection
provide the connection string (server instance, database, user and password depending on how SQL authentication is configured)
prepare an SQL statement
Execute the statement.
Trap for any errors that may occur (e.g. failure to connect to db, failure to post the data because of data type or referential integrity checks, transaction rollback etc...)
It is extremely dangerous to hand prepare SQL as the change of making an error is high and it leaves the database vunerable to an SQL injection attack. If you really must do this, please consider writing a stored procedure in SQL that takes parameters and executing the SP. but this is a wholly different discussion better suited to an SQL board.