
  1. D

    Using a button, move data from one worksheet to another based on a text value ("Closed" or "Archive") in one column.

    I created a trading journal for my investments with data related to planning, monitoring and closing positions. If Closed or if Archive is selected in a Status column, I want to move (copy then delete or cut) the entire row in the "Acct1" worksheet that contains either of those two words AFTER...
  2. I

    VBA code to automatically archive updated data only

    Good morning, I'm new to VBA and have experimented with a couple of codes but not quite got to what I want to achieve. I have a progress tracker worksheet "Tracker" where multiple users will update on their respective tasks. Once complete, they will add the date of the progress update in...
  3. P

    Moving a Row with a negative value to another sheet

    Hi! Hoping someone can give me some help here. I have a spreadsheet for tracking jobs and work hours. I have a sheet to archive projects to have a running track of all of them. I'm looking for a way to move a whole row from my working sheet to the archive sheet when the days from job reaches a...
  4. S

    Text formulas returning 0

    Suddenly all of these formulas (like below) are no longer just returning words, they are returning 0's. All of the other cells referenced have words in them. =IF(Developer!J46="Network","C: Drive Daily Archive", Developer!E42 & " Daily Archive")
  5. P

    Archive data error in code

    Hi Good morning, I hope you can help me I have a command button once clicked on it should archive the old data that has 'delivered' in a cell. But I get an error 'Run time error 9 - subscript out of range' on the line below, please also see the whole code below, hope you can help. lastrow =...
  6. M

    Saving with vba with current user spefic directory

    Hello, Still new to excel and needing a little help. I have a workbook that i need to have the user save weekly into their archive folder located within the same folder the workbook is held, however the file path changes depending on the user. I know i had it close as i can get it to save into...
  7. S

    Cut/Paste row from Sheet1 to Sheet2, delete empty row on Sheet1?

    I'm looking to cut and paste a row from one worksheet to another within a spreadsheet if a particular cell is not blank. Then once complete, delete the original row. If cell AM2 (and AM3,4,5 etc) on sheet 'Faults' is not blank, cut either the whole row or the range A2:AN2 (whichever is more...
  8. S

    Copying Archived data from one sheet onto another based on a drop down selection

    Hi Everyone, I would like to copy data from the "Spreadsheet Archive" sheet intothe "Previous Visits" sheet depending on the station that is selectedfrom the drop down list in the "Input" sheet. I assumed this was going to be a very simple step but my Excel skills arenot as strong as I...
  9. Y

    Extracting a File from archive using unzip32.dll

    i would like to have a code that can extract a particular file from an archive even if it is in its subfolder using "unzip32.dll"
  10. W

    Integer to string in MsgBox message

    Hello, I have a macro, activated by button click, that moves the entire row to another sheet ("Archive") if cell value in column F is "Finalised". Macro works fine. I want to add message after it finishes with information how many rows have been moved. The problem i am encountering is that it...
  11. O

    VBA Code to Check if Sheet Exists and Archive It

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions and I will provide feedback. I would like to check if "SheetA" exists and if so archive it to where "SheetA" will be come "SheetA.01" and if both "SheetA" and "SheetA.01" exists make it "SheetA.02", etc. Sheet A will be located between "Start.SheetA" and...
  12. Y

    Copy from active sheet to on-going list in another sheet

    Could anyone help me with VBA for copying data from active sheet and pasting in the first available row in sheet titled Archive. I'm trying to copy Range A2:G2, paste in the first available row in Archive sheet. Then in the active sheet delete cells D2, F2 and G2.
  13. A

    Best way to build strings: one variable or multiple????

    Hi all, I have a programming question, and I'm not sure what the concept I'm referring to is called. In the databases I work in, as well as in many spreadsheets, there is a constant need to archive documents in a folder tree by year, by month, and often by even finer subsets. In the original...
  14. D

    VBA Code to cut and pasteto the bottom of same worksheet

    Hey everyone, I'm new to VBA and trying to work out how to cut a row based on a single cells value and move it to the last row on the same worksheet. I'm also curious if this will cause some strange looping problem since that information would all be kept on one worksheet. No idea there. I'm...
  15. A

    Daily Schedule that archives each day?

    Hello, I've been trying to create an excel daily schedule that archives the days that I put in according to their date. I want to be able to type in a certain date and have the sheet show the plan for that specific date. I'm okay with using VBA, any ideas? Thanks. (New to this forum, by the way)
  16. S

    How to copy a number of rows based on a drop down choice

    Hi All, I want to copy a number of rows from an 'Archive' spreadsheet to a 'Previous_Sites_Visits' spreadsheet based on a drop down selection in the 'Input' spreadsheet. I have a site visit workbook where site data can be entered in a form on the 'Input' spreadsheet. Once the relevant data has...
  17. N

    Modify hyperlink - insert text

    Hi, I have a worksheet with lots of hyperlinks to files. I have moved all the files into a subfolder of their previous location called Archive. I want to edit all the hyperlinks to include "Archive" in them. They are relative hyperlinks. In my head this should be easy, but I can't work out a...
  18. R

    help please! i need to create a Excel macro to auto archive and store data in my H drive

    Hi all, im new to macros and was hoping someone can helpme. I need the macro to archive a sheet and store it in my H drive, can anyone help me?
  19. B

    Auto archive data to new sheet when over a certain time period

    Hi there, I would be grateful if anyone could possibly help? I currently have one sheet on excel where certain action points are kept for review. After 5 years, these action points no longer need to be reviewed and I want to insert a macro /VBA where the whole row of data will automatically...
  20. J

    Archive row if condition meets

    I did some research on how previous posts may help in doing what I want. Those may be a little too complicated for me to understand as I have only came across VBA recently. I have a list of invoices that are ready for payment. For each invoice that is due for payment, I will mark it as "Y" in...

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