
  1. H

    Update One Sheet To Another

    I have a workbook with a number of sheets in it and I need to be able to automate updating one sheet with certain data when another sheet is updated. Here is the layout:- The data is all football matches from around the world, with with A being Date & Time, B being League, C being Match and G...
  2. S

    Use excel to populate chart

    Hi - I have an excel table with 6 Columns (fixed) and then I want to be able to fill in as much content in the rows without limitation. Problem: I want the table contents to fill into the charts and automatically and automate adjust, so that it’s easy to read with the same excel sheet if...
  3. Y

    Data Update using VBA

    Hello Everyone! I have two files named Purchase Requistion (PR) and Database (DB). PR is in the format of a form which they fill in order to raise a PR request. This file is then "Save As" with a different name so as not to disturb the native file "PR". DB is a table format, which takes the...
  4. R

    change modification date for ALL files under a folder

    Is there a VBA macro that can be created to change all modification dates under a path? example : C:\Users\User\Documents has modification dates dating from 2015-2023 all files are accessed on a monthly bases, instead of going to each file and hitting save since there are 100s of files- and due...
  5. P

    Stop code from automatically sending Email through Outlook

    Not a VBA expert, AT ALL. I searched for a code to automatically send emails from Excel through Outlook. However, is there a way to stop the code from automatically sending them, and instead create the email pop-up and if all looks good, then I manually click Send? Sub Send_Bulk_Mails() Dim...
  6. M

    row protection based on specific cell

    Como protejo automaticamente uma linha com base em uma célula? Exemplo: se você inserir um valor na célula E1, ele protegerá automaticamente as células à esquerda da linha, D1, C1, B1 e A1 E o mesmo se aplicaria às linhas seguintes, se você inserir um valor na célula E2 ele protegerá...
  7. A

    Automation of Copy and Merge Data in Column A and B of all files in a folder. Order of Data Differs

    Sub CopyDataAndCreateChart() Dim folderPath As String Dim file As String Dim wbSource As Workbook Dim wsSource As Worksheet Dim wbDest As Workbook Dim wsDest As Worksheet Dim destRange As Range Dim chartRange As Range Dim chtShape As Shape Dim cht As Chart...
  8. R

    Help with pivot table or other solution

    So i am trying to make a pivot table that i can create graphs and other reporting off of-- what i need is the first column listed out ( there are more then jus the 2 shown) and the second column to show a number so what i want is it to report like this the total can be on the right side if...
  9. H

    How do I create a table that then considers whether or not clients appear in other tables?

    Hi Guys, Pretty new to excel so hoping there's a simple answer to this that I'm not aware of. I work in marketing insight and part of my role is selecting the best customers to send each of our direct mail campaigns to, and I want to create a workbook in where I can walk through our monthly...
  10. K

    Copy formulas from one worksheet to another macro

    hello I have a macro that automatically creates column headings based on a Lov list I have within the workbook I also have worksheet2 that contains formulas that I would need copied over to the new columns in worksheet1. example: Each time a new column header is in inserted it is inserted...
  11. D

    Send an email with "missing" text range rows VBA

    i have a list of missing and file names hyperlinks I want to create a button that, when clicked, reads the entire column and if it finds "missing," will collect those rows range and then will go to column A and read the first 2 letters and, based on that, will send an email to the...
  12. SOLTEC


    I have a spreadsheet with POS SKU numbers and I want to create two rows below each SKU with the same SKU number with one adding cc to the end of the SKU and inserting it before the original SKU, and then below that another original SKU with the same original SkU with c concatenated for 1,000's a...
  13. J

    VBA to run BAT sequentially every 1 minute

    Hi brains trust I was wondering if someone could help me. I have a folder with over 30 batch files. I need to run them in order but with a 2 minute wait time between running the batch files. I understand I could do this: shell("CMD.EXE /c c:\abc.bat") This might make things tricky as I...
  14. J

    Not sure how to move forward

    Hello, I am reaching out to anyone for guidance on this one. Here is the detailed scenario I have a Sales Commission Report in excel. There are 5 worksheets plus summary sheet Each Month we add the new onboarded client under reps name for 90 days Looking to have Summary sheet automatically...
  15. N

    PowerQuery Automation

    My question is this, is there a way to automate power query in vba, for example if I record a macro of me getting data from a PDF I open the pdf in power query I choose the option select multiple in the menu, I choose two pages and then I load it to a table. But when I go back to the macro, all...
  16. G

    Calculating % Cap

    I'm embarrassed to ask this question as it should be something I could figure out on my own but here goes: I need to figure out how to calculate a % cap without creating a circular reference. Here is a simple illustration I need to find a formula for to automate my work: 1.) I know that 1 + 1 +...
  17. C

    trying to combine automated date and automated user

    hello i am trying to get my excel sheet so that each row will show what date that row was edited last and by which user. i can get the two parts to work separately but I cannot get them to work together as it causes the workbook to crash. my code so far is this: Private Sub...
  18. R

    Named file folder range live updated and sorted

    Hi, I have a listFiles named range to return a list of files of a specific folder into Excel. I use the following formula: =IFERROR(INDEX(listFiles,ROW()-ROW(A$2)),"") I was wondering if there is a non-VBA solution to automatically/live update the files list in the Excel named range whenever a...
  19. A

    Hi, I am new here and would like some help

    hi there everyone, i was hoping for some help here. I have 13 departments and 121 employees and want to assign them departments (which have fixed spots) for a month randomize department for the given employees , I have been doing this manually and would like to use excel to automate the process...
  20. K

    Excel Automate Copy Paste based on rule

    I hope you are doing well. I would like to know code available to automate my process to copy one file to another in excel using VBA from two different folder First folder contains excel (.CSV) file with name 01-04-2022_Day.csv, 01-04-2022_Night.csv, 02-04-2022_Day.csv, 02-04-2022_Night.csv, &...

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