
  1. R

    Use checkboxes to convert formulas to values in multiple cells

    I've got a spreadsheet where I enter some amount in one currency and it's converted automatically into another using a web linked exchange rate in the formula. I then want to lock the results converting the formula into value by checking a checkbox in the same row. So I need to link the cells I...
  2. J

    Checkbox - True - Moves Whole Row To Another Sheet

    Hi Guys, New the threads, so thought I'd give it a go. I'm stuck, I'm creating a workbook that we use for our tender submissions. What I now want to do is when a check box is ticked i want to move that row to another page (not the whole row - i.e. only move a5,b5,c5 across to another...
  3. Agnarr

    Checkbox Timestamp with VBA

    Hello everyone! I have a huge problem. we utilize a "to-do" list with checkboxes that are inserted into each new sheet with the following code: Sub InsertCheckBox() Dim rng As Range Dim chkBox As CheckBox Dim cell As Range Dim i As Integer ' Set the range where you want...
  4. A

    Grabbing the latest data from a Column based on a cell

    Hello, Calling all help! I cannot figure out a formula to make this work. I am tracking my pups got their medical history and I would like it to auto-give me a expiration date based on the most recent date i entered where its checked (I added checkboxes into columns- not sure if that is a good...
  5. A

    Passing a checkbox object into a private sub doesn't work

    Hi all, I have a useform with a couple of checkboxes on it. Upon activating the userform I would like to run a couple of checks on the checkboxes. I want to use a private sub for that and pass the checkbox as an object into that sub, but no matter how I do it, I get an error 424 Object...
  6. B

    Password protect the option to select a checkbox within a userform

    Hi I am not sure if this is possible.... I presently have a userform and within the userform, the user can check a checkbox to say that a process has been audited. I would like to control the users that can actually insert/remove a checkmark from that checkbox. The person would click on the...
  7. M

    Changing all checkboxes with no value to False: VBA Code

    I have over 100 activeX checkboxes on a sheet. Some of the checkboxes are already checked/unchecked so I want the macro to ignore those. I found a macro to change all checkboxes to false but I'd like to modify the code to only change the value to False if the Value field in the properties box is...
  8. K

    Check box with 2 conditons

    Hello I am having a issue trying to create a formula that when a checkbox is checked to copy the data from worksheet 1 to specific cells in worksheet 2. If the cell that is being copied over is blank then it should display blank on worksheet 2. If the checkbox is unchecked C5:C12,B5:B12,D6:D12...
  9. G

    Checkbox formula

    Hey all, I'm trying to find a formula that will help me with a project I'm doing. Im creating a meeting attendance record and am using checkboxes to check the person in the meeting. At the bottom of the sheet if they are supposed to be in a total of 5 meetings this month and only come to 3. I...
  10. S

    VBA CheckBox to copy and past values from one sheet to another

    Thanks for any help , it is needed, i have searched and tried to find some code to make my own but have no luck so i am looking to this forum yet again for help. So what i am looking to do is to simply copy values of a cell and paste the value in another cell on a separate work sheet using...
  11. B

    Loop through table row to create shape

    Hey, I bring another problem to you people. I have some VBA code to check the last row of a certain table and create a checkbox in that row, if there are none. Problem is, if a row is created in the midle of the table, no checkbox is created in this row, because it is only looking for the...
  12. B

    Delete last checkbox if table row is deleted

    Hi guys. I have a table with a row for each employee of my company. In each row is created a checkbox in column B (with a macro that runs in every change made on that sheet). Is there any way that I can delete a checkbox if I delete a table row? It doesn't need to be the checkbox in that same...
  13. B

    Creating checkbox with VBA for each new table row

    Hello excel experts. I'm trying to create a checkbox in column B, linked to column C, for each new row that I create in a table. I have this VBA code that I'm testing and its a mix of recorded macro and code found on the internet: Sub ButtonClick10() Dim lastRow As Long Dim sh As...
  14. C

    Enlarge Checkboxes

    Hi, I'm trying to enlarge checkboxes with vba. I have managed to do this but sadly I cannot hide the source cells that the checkboxes link to. If I do that the linked checkboxes disappear. Does anyone else have the answer please?
  15. A

    Any Solution for Overlapping Checkbox on filtered Data

    Hi I have asked number of experts on youtube but none of them replied I assumed they have no answer. When I apply filter to any column the Column that contains checkbox overlaps. Checkbox are in C Any solution to this issue ABCDEFGHIJ12To Do ListStatusCell Linked3Define your project...
  16. M

    UnCheck checkboxes after 1, 7, 30, 90 and 365 days

    Hi, I am really new to Excel and I am really over my skill set. But I really want to have a tasklist, with daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly tasks. I also have a checkbox on each row on the different sheets, since I have the dailies on the daily sheet and so on. Is it possible to...
  17. T

    VBA - Checkbox with variable range

    (I apologize if this topic has already been addressed elsewhere) I am very new to VBA scripting, but I have managed to write the following: Private Sub Unused_02_Click() If Sheet1.Unused_02.Value = True Then Sheet1.Range("C18:C117") = "X" Else Sheet1.Range("C18:C117") = "" End If End Sub...
  18. QualitySoup

    Move row to another worksheet if checked

    Hi, all I'm Creating a job board where I need a row moved from a "Working Jobs" spreadsheet to a "completed Jobs" spreadsheet once the checkbox for said row has been checked. Can I get some assistance with this? Thanks!
  19. M

    VBA, Print The Sheets That Were Selected in the UserForm into 1 PDF

    Hi everyone, I am trying to make a userform where each sheet has its own corresponding checkbox. The goal is to print the selected sheets into a pdf upon clicking OK button. I have managed to somewhat achieve my goal. But it feels like it is far from being optimal. I had to assign 2...
  20. L

    How can I disable the change log sub that I have written by checking a check box?

    I have written the below code in excel vba to log changes made in sheets to the change log sheet. I want to disable that sub if a check box is checked. This code works perfectly for what I need it to do, just need to figure out a sub that does not allow this to run if a box is checked so every...

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