code & formula

  1. A

    VBA : Audit Selector Based on Task with no repeated user.

    Hi There , I would humbly seek help to find a logic on how to apply an Audit Tool where it will randomly pick a user and task based on required audit number. Previously , I have created a simple audit tool that capture the total number of row and randomly take any row but this has cause the...
  2. V

    filter data or any other option - don't want to copy formula in all cells

    Hi, we have the data in sheet1 and sheet2 and using index and match formula, its working fine but we don't want to drag and drop formula from C2:C4 and again we have used formula in D2:D4, there is any formula from which we can get desired result so that don't do drop down SHEET1 125024568765...
  3. J


    Hi i News help to creat a code in vba in order to copy a line and paste it as values all the times needed until a condition is met, in this case =0
  4. P

    VBA: Multiplying Rows In A List By A Certain Cell & Displaying Result In Another Cell

    Hi - I am new to VBA (I just started learning last week) and is hoping someone can provide some assistance. I need to do the following: 1. Take the percentage in each row: Multiply it by the Total number cell in the top left corner Round it to 0 decimal places Put the result in their...
  5. A

    Dynamic Listing of Worksheet Names

    I need help changing a piece of code that @JoeMo came up with on this forum. Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Dim wSheet As Worksheet Dim n As Integer Dim calcState As Long, scrUpdateState As Long calcState = Application.Calculation Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual scrUpdateState...
  6. S

    Split cell, extract numbers, get difference

    Hi all, I’m looking for a formula where in i could separate numbers from a cell containing text and numbers and also find the difference between those 2 numbers. For eg: Runs scored by Mike 560 vs Richard 345 This is the actual text which i have a in a single cell however only need the...
  7. M

    Moving Entire Row based on Cell marked "Completed"

    I am new to this and trying to get each row to automatically get copied to my second sheet "Completed", then deleted off my main sheet... So - when I select "completed" from the dropdown in Column "N", that entire corresponding row essentially moves over to the second sheet labeled "Completed"...
  8. E

    Concatenate If

    I created this formula to filter =CONCAT(IF($A:$A=$C2,$B:$B,"")) and if working perfectly. However i'm having issues with creating a VBA for it. Basically i want to combine the text in column D based on the reference code in Column C. Been working on this for hours! any help would be much...
  9. B

    Copying images from worksheet to worksheet to the correct cell

    Hi all! Maybe this has already been asked but anyway.... Im working on an Excel sheet with all the materials from a producer. The goal is that we can make stickers with an QR-code so we can scan this for our date base. On the main sheet is the next information. On the second sheet (image 2)...
  10. G

    VBA extracting data

    Hi Everyone, I'm looking to to use a VBA Macro to extract data in a particular fashion. The data sheet looks like below: ABCDEFG1CodeDescriptionQTYPriceGSTTotal2*Section1316875Paper 3242341234416876Paper 3242341234516877Paper 3242341234616878Paper 3242341234716879Paper 3242341234816880Paper...
  11. C

    Interactive Systems Board Helicopter

    Good evening, Please see the attached image or youtube video link below. I would like to know how to create multiple functions if one of the switch images is selected. For examples, if Switch 1 is off + Switch 2 is on, certain outcome happens if switch 1 is on + Switch 2 is off, a different...
  12. D

    Change borders/gridlines of cells in rows A, B, C & D when cells in row E contains no blanks

    Hello everybody, I am currently sitting with the following material overview file in Excel: I have made some conditional formatting so whenever I enter a number in column E the entire row gets highlighted. Unfortunately, this erases/makes invisible my dark gridlines/borders from before...
  13. D

    Alphabetically order a list with respect to column B

    Hello everybody, I have the following list of information: Is there any way in which I can alphabetically order this list with respect to column B? Would greatly appreciate any assistance I can obtain! :) Thank you very much everybody. Best regards, David
  14. S

    Excel formula

  15. I

    VBA Macro - Compile Error

    Hello, I am contacting you because I am trying to create my first VBA macro. But when I am trying to build it, I receive the following error. I am sure I am totally wrong when it comes to the code as it is the first one I am building. If any excel expert could help me to understand what is wrong...
  16. B

    VBA Rolling Date

    Hello, I am trying to figure out how I can have VBA insert today's current date into a specific cell. For example in cell A28 we have our start date as 3/9/2020, cell A29 is 3/10/2020, A30 is 3/11/2020 and so on. I only need Weekdays to be included and not Weekends. I know this can be done...
  17. J

    Comment Section to Categorical Data (Columns)

    Good Morning All, As always, I must start out my posts with a big thank you to everyone who contributes to this forum. So I have a bunch of data in various columns with only one column I need to convert to categorical data. Column H is what I will need the script to focus on. I have a...
  18. L

    VBA help needed please - splitting date range into monthly values!

    Hey guys, First post here so please forgive me if I miss anything.. I am new to VBA and attempting to find some coding that will allow me to allocate the below section units between months based on course start and end dates. I have entered a couple of lines below of what I'm working with. It...
  19. J

    What's wrong with my code?

    Hi guys, I've been building some code for a spreadsheet which has a whole host of individual weighted words. When a user types in a particular sentence into the (Sheet: tester) "Search_box1" field, upon clicking a button I want each word in "search_box1" to be referenced in a separate sheet...
  20. L

    Sum if / Group by VBA Module

    Hi All, I have a module written to pull data from one sheet (Raw Data) and into another (Opportunities). But I am having trouble with the last piece. I THINK I need to group by Column B in Raw Data - but I still want to sum by Column C in Raw Data. Not sure if that is correct, but I was able...

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