
  1. X

    Merging Individual and Spouse Name for Mailing

    Hello, Here's my dilemma. I need to combine the first and last names of the individual and spouse without duplicating last names. (Spouses may have different last names in our spreadsheet). We also may not have a value for the spouse. I have: Column K with individual first name, Column M for...
  2. J

    Combining Data from 3 Cells into 1

    Hey guys, bit of a tricky one here and would love some help, will try explain as well as i can. In the cells below i have A1-C3, A1 tells me if the action has been completed, No means it hasn't and so no. B1 tells me the device used C3 tells me the product The formula i am after will...
  3. N

    Data Validation list combinations and outcomes

    Hi I have 4 lists and I would like to use data validation selecting from these 4 lists to give me one of 4 possible text outputs as below What is the best way to do this please - do i need to list out all the possible combinations and my desired outcome for each somewhere on the sheet or is...
  4. J

    Search For Last Combination

    How would I find the last combination of a letter and number in a list? A = Combinations B = Results for A C = Results for D A1 A2 D1 A3 A4 D2 and so on...(not a pattern, just the result of previous selections). So I would need Column B to return the last combination starting with "A", which...
  5. M

    Formula to get all possible combinations of 2 separate cells? Includes Screenshot of the issue

    Hi all. This forum has provided me with great assistance in the past and hopefully you can help me today. I have a sheet that has 90 rows and I want to add a formula to it that will give me all the possible combinations of the 2 cells on the corresponding row, for each of the 90 rows. Below...
  6. G


    MAKECOMBO Function: Returns combination of two arrays =LAMBDA(array1,array2,LET(a,array1,b,array2,La,COUNTA(a),Lb,COUNTA(b),MAKEARRAY(La*Lb,2,LAMBDA(r,c,IF(c=1,INDEX(a,INT((r-1)/Lb)+1),INDEX(b,MOD(r-1,Lb)+1)))))) Here is example (attached image) This is my first lambda function posted here...
  7. T

    Number Combination Checker

    Good day all; Is it possible to get all the combinations of a set of numbers, for example I have a group of numbers: 1,2,4,8,16,32, how would I go about finding all the possible combinations for this data set? I have made a best guess seen below (20 combinations), but this doesn't seem right to...
  8. T

    I have a question on how to VBA combination.

    Hi everyone, Just wondering if anyone can help me out here. When the value of column A is changed, I want to refresh the combination of columns b, c, and d. Also, if the cell is empty, I want it to be ignored. I've gotten help from the community, but it's not working. Sub...
  9. T

    I want to do a combination in the scope excluding empty cells in the VBA Range area.

    xDRg1, xDRg2, xDRg3 Ranges contain empty Cells. Can I do a combination other than this? Sub ListAllCombinations() 'Updateby Extendoffice Dim xDRg1, xDRg2, xDRg3 As Range Dim xRg As Range Dim xStr As String Dim xFN1, xFN2, xFN3 As Integer Dim xSV1, xSV2, xSV3 As String Set xDRg1 = Range("a2"...
  10. G

    Total Possible Combinations of Combinations

    I am trying to calculate the total number of possible combinations of a set of variables. The calculation is complicated by the fact that not every variable behaves the same way. Here are the details. I have 5 different trait types. Each trait type has a different number of possible traits...
  11. C

    Create term base from large data set

    Hello, I am stuck trying to solve what may be a very simple problem. I understand logically what needs to be done I just don't have the knowledge for the best way to handle this much data and not make excel crash. I am currently limited with no access to utilize Pandas to solve this even...
  12. T

    Excel permutations word generator

    I have the following list in an excel sheet Column A Red Green Blue White Black Question : I’m looking for a script of some kind that will create a permutation of all these words that’s possible without repeating. However, with minor thing the items of red and green must be...
  13. M

    Grouped Unique Combinations Generator

    Hi there, I`m looking to get a unique combinations generator macro adjusted, not sure if it is possible. The original macro request was already beyond me so there`s no chance in hell I`ll manage this. The Macro created in the linked thread (i attached the excel file w/ macro) delivers all...
  14. A

    Combining UDF with IF function

    I need to combine a UDF (below) with a set of IF functions. Function MaxN(n&, r As Range) Dim i&, j&, m#, t#, v v = r.Cells.Value2 For i = 1 To UBound(v) If UBound(v) - i + 1 >= n Then t = 0 For j = i To i + n - 1 t = t + v(j, 1)...
  15. U

    All combination from several columns

    Hi All - New to the site and already after some help! I'm looking to compile a list of all combinations across 23 columns in excel which I know will be quite a large list. I've tried to tweak various coding that has been shared on the site but end up with errors (probably because I don't know...
  16. N

    combinations generator

    Hey, I am trying to find the different combinations that can be formed by choosing 11 out of 22 objects ( i.e. C(22,11) ). I have posted below the code I tried using. the problem is that this code give me all possible combinations whereas I only need different ways in which 11 objects can be...
  17. A

    Most optimal combination

    Hi, I have a set of unique items that I have to assign to specified locations. The number of locations is determined by the sum of the items' values, rounded up to the closest integer. See for an example below: Item Value A 0,11 B 0,22 C 0,44 D 0,44 E 0,67 F 0,33 G 0,25 H 0,5...
  18. E

    Stacked Chart - One series not stacking

    Hello, I have a combination stack columns with line chart. The stacked columns being hours worked and the line being hours available to work. The data sets being stacked are hours worked per discipline. The problem is one data sat is not stacking on top of the other data sets. It's gone rogue...
  19. M

    how to : possible combination with limited repititions rules

    Hello Everyone i want to make all possible combination lets say of 5 digits for 5 numbers ( 1,2,3,4,5 ) 11111,11112,11113 but i want to exclude certain outputs by limiting repetition of each char to 2 in a row like 11234 is acceptable but 11123 is not , as ( 1 ) is repeated 3 times can this...
  20. P

    Creating Comibinaation

    Hello, I am trying to creating possible combination for five columns and I am using below formula which is for 3 columns only, I am trying add 2 more columns but its not letting me or formula is not right...

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