Grouped Unique Combinations Generator


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Mar 17, 2020
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  1. 365
Hi there,

I`m looking to get a unique combinations generator macro adjusted, not sure if it is possible. The original macro request was already beyond me so there`s no chance in hell I`ll manage this.
The Macro created in the linked thread (i attached the excel file w/ macro) delivers all unique combinations of a list`s elements.
So from the below list of 5 elements

It will deliver combinations which are unique. By unique I mean if it delivers combination 1 & 5 it will NOT deliver 5 & 1.
The combinations can consist of between 2 & 6 numbers (e.g. it delivers 111112 [but NOT 111121, 11211, 12111 & 21111]).


Would it be possible to give the macro functionality to do combinations of each group (picture 1) & then output combinations between those groups (picture 2)? This will save me from going through like 1000s of records to manually remove ones I cannot use (like 111112, 111333). If it is not possible is there some simpler way i can go about getting a similar outcome?

Picture 1

Picture 2


This is the code which gives me the unique combinations & here is the file Box (credit goes to user StephenCrump for it)

VBA Code:
' PGC Set 2007
' Calculates and writes the Combinations / Permutations with/without repetition
' vElements - Array with the set elements (1 to n)
' p - number of elements in 1 combination/permutation
' bComb - True: Combinations, False: Permutations
' bRepet - True: with repetition, False: without repetition
' vResult - Array to hold 1 permutation/combination (1 to p)
' lRow - row number. the next combination/permutation is written in lRow+1
' vResultAll - Array to hold all the permutations/combinations (1 to Total, 1 to p)
' iElement - order of the element to process in case of combination
' iIndex - position of the next element in the combination/permutation
' Sub CombPerm() deals with the input / output
' Sub CombPermNP() generates the combinations / permutations
Sub DoIt()

    Dim vElements As Variant, vResult As Variant, vResultAll As Variant
    Dim lrow As Long, lTotal As Long, p As Long, pMax As Long, i As Long, NoRows As Long
    Dim bComb As Boolean, bRepet As Boolean
    Dim rng As Range
    p = 5       'Number of elements in combination
    pMax = 5    'Careful! The code clears this many columns, i.e. C,E,G,I,K,M for pMax=6
    bComb = True
    bRepet = True
    With Worksheets("Chosen List")
        Set rng = .Range("A" & .Range("StartRow").Row & ":A" & .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
    End With
    vElements = Application.Index(Application.Transpose(rng), 1, 0)
    With Application
        If bComb Then
            lTotal = .Combin(UBound(vElements) + IIf(bRepet, p - 1, 0), p)
            If bRepet = False Then lTotal = .Permut(UBound(vElements), p) Else lTotal = UBound(vElements) ^ p
        End If
    End With
    ReDim vResult(1 To p)
    ReDim vResultAll(1 To lTotal, 1 To p)

    Call CombPermNP(vElements, p, True, True, vResult, lrow, vResultAll, 1, 1)
    With Worksheets("Daily Meal Macro").Range("StartRow")
        NoRows = .End(xlDown).Row - .Row + 1
        For i = 0 To p - 1
            With .Offset(, 2 * i)
                .Resize(lTotal).Value = Application.Index(vResultAll, , i + 1)
            End With
        Next i
        For i = p To pMax - 1
            .Offset(, 2 * i).Resize(NoRows).ClearContents
        Next i
    End With
End Sub
Sub CombPermNP(ByVal vElements As Variant, ByVal p As Integer, ByVal bComb As Boolean, ByVal bRepet As Boolean, _
                             ByVal vResult As Variant, ByRef lrow As Long, ByRef vResultAll As Variant, ByVal iElement As Integer, ByVal iIndex As Integer)
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, bSkip As Boolean
For i = IIf(bComb, iElement, 1) To UBound(vElements)
    bSkip = False
    ' in case of permutation without repetition makes sure the element is not yet used
    If (Not bComb) And Not bRepet Then
        For j = 1 To p
            If vElements(i) = vResult(j) And Not IsEmpty(vResult(j)) Then
                bSkip = True
                Exit For
            End If
    End If
    If Not bSkip Then
        vResult(iIndex) = vElements(i)
        If iIndex = p Then
            lrow = lrow + 1
            For j = 1 To p
                vResultAll(lrow, j) = vResult(j)
            Next j
            Call CombPermNP(vElements, p, bComb, bRepet, vResult, lrow, vResultAll, i + IIf(bComb And bRepet, 0, 1), iIndex + 1)
        End If
    End If
Next i
End Sub


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Hello Mikiell111,
here is code according to your request.
The first part of code changes script from your workbook.
Second part is creation of combinations.
Be careful with sizing, the number of possible combination can be huge. For your example is 180.
VBA Code:
Sub GroupedUniqueCombinationsGenerator()
    Dim vA, vA1, vA2, vA3, vA11(), vA22(), vA33(), vAFinal()
    Dim vN As Long, vN1 As Long, vN2 As Long
    Dim vB As Long, vC As Long, vR As Long
    With Worksheets("MealList")
        vA1 = .[A1:B3]
        vA2 = .[A4:B7]
        vA3 = .[A8:B9]
    End With
    vA = Array(vA1, vA2, vA3)
    ReDim Preserve vA11(1 To UBound(vA1) * (UBound(vA1) + 1) / 2)
    ReDim Preserve vA22(1 To UBound(vA2) * (UBound(vA2) + 1) / 2)
    ReDim Preserve vA33(1 To UBound(vA3) * (UBound(vA3) + 1) / 2)
'first part
    For vN = 0 To UBound(vA)
        vC = 1
        For vN1 = 1 To UBound(vA(vN)) * (UBound(vA(vN)) + 1) / 4
            For vN2 = 1 To UBound(vA(vN)) - vB
                vR = vR + 1
                Select Case vN
                    Case 0
                        vA11(vR) = vA(vN)(vN1, 1) & vA(vN)(vC, 2)
                    Case 1
                        vA22(vR) = vA(vN)(vN1, 1) & vA(vN)(vC, 2)
                    Case 2
                        vA33(vR) = vA(vN)(vN1, 1) & vA(vN)(vC, 2)
                End Select
                vC = vC + 1
            Next vN2
            vB = vB + 1
            vC = vB + 1
        Next vN1
        vB = 0
        vR = 0
    Next vN
'second part
    ReDim Preserve vAFinal(1 To UBound(vA11) _
                              * UBound(vA22) _
                              * UBound(vA33), 1 To 1)
    For vN = 1 To UBound(vA11)
        For vN1 = 1 To UBound(vA22)
            For vN2 = 1 To UBound(vA33)
                vR = vR + 1
                vAFinal(vR, 1) = vA11(vN) _
                               & vA22(vN1) _
                               & vA33(vN2)
            Next vN2
        Next vN1
    Next vN
    With Sheets("DailyMealMacro")
       .[G2].Resize(UBound(vAFinal)) = vAFinal
    End With
End Sub
Upvote 0
I'm glad if works as you expected and if getting good results.;)
Upvote 0
I figured out how you determined which is group A, B & C. I tried to modify them slightly to see if I could get it how I need but I get a subscript out of range error

Currently it can only give me combinations of 3 items/elements (1 from each vA1/2/3). The combinations that I need to output can consist of between 3 & 6 items, not always the same. If it is helpful in my original code I determine how many elements I want in my combination by altering p. So p=6 means my combinations will be made of 6 elements from whatever amount of elements in the main list (e.g. from a list with 8 elements & p =6 this would be one of the many combinations 1,1,3,3,6,8).
(p can never be higher than 6 in my original code)

VBA Code:
p = 5       'Number of elements in combination
    pMax = 5    'Careful! The code clears this many columns, i.e. C,E,G,I,K,M for pMax=6

Also currently the macro outputs the item descriptions in 1 column, unfortunately I cannot use that. Reasoning being I pull data (using match/index) from other sheets using the ID of the items/elements.
What I would need the output to be just the IDs of the items for which we`re making combinations of & I would need them in very specific columns. Unfortunately I cannot identify where in my code it determines where the macro decides to start placing the output. They would need to start from row 7 & depending on how many elements I need a combination of the elements would be in columns C,E,G,I,K 7 M

Here`s an example with 6 elements in my combination (p = 6 in my original code)
1st combination placements = 1st element of a combination in C7, the 2nd element in E7, 3rd in G7, 4th in I7, 5th in K7 & 6th in M7.
2nd combination placements = 1st element of a combination in C8, the 2nd element in E8, 3rd in G8, 4th in I8, 5th in K8 & 6th in M8.
3rd etc.....


Here`s another example having 3 elements in the combination (p = 3 in my original code)

Upvote 0
I figured out how you determined which is group A, B & C. I tried to modify them slightly to see if I could get it how I need but I get a subscript out of range error

Currently it can only give me combinations of 3 items/elements (1 from each vA1/2/3). The combinations that I need to output can consist of between 3 & 6 items, not always the same. If it is helpful in my original code I determine how many elements I want in my combination by altering p. So p=6 means my combinations will be made of 6 elements from whatever amount of elements in the main list (e.g. from a list with 8 elements & p =6 this would be one of the many combinations 1,1,3,3,6,8).
(p can never be higher than 6 in my original code)

VBA Code:
p = 5       'Number of elements in combination
    pMax = 5    'Careful! The code clears this many columns, i.e. C,E,G,I,K,M for pMax=6

To give further clarity to this

The combinations (e.g. again let`s say a combination of 6 elements/items [what I call as p = 6 in my original code]) could consist of x elements/items from vA1, y elements/items from vA2 & z elements/items from vA3. (x+y+z= 6 obviously as number of elements in combination I chose 6).

Same story for another example combination of 4 elements/items (aka p = 4) -> x elements/items from vA1, y elements/items from vA2 & z elements/items from vA3. (x+y+z= 4)

Is this do-able?
Upvote 0
It's hard to understand what will be the best correction, but try this and see is the output OK.
VBA Code:
Sub GroupedUniqueCombinationsGenerator2()
    Dim vA, vAA, vA1, vA2, vA3
    Dim vA11(), vA22(), vA33(), vA11B(), vA22B(), vA33B()
    Dim vN As Long, vN1 As Long, vN2 As Long
    Dim vB As Long, vC As Long, vR As Long
'first part - set "A, B, C" ranges
    With Worksheets("MealList")
        vA1 = .[A1:B2]
        vA2 = Empty
        vA3 = .[A4:B4]
    End With
    vA = Array(vA1, vA2, vA3)
 'second part - size the arrays
   With Application
        If Not IsEmpty(vA1) Then
            ReDim vA11(1 To .Combin(UBound(vA1) + 1, 2), 1 To 1)
            ReDim vA11B(1 To .Combin(UBound(vA1) + 1, 2), 1 To 1)
        End If
        If Not IsEmpty(vA2) Then
            ReDim vA22(1 To .Combin(UBound(vA2) + 1, 2), 1 To 1)
            ReDim vA22B(1 To .Combin(UBound(vA2) + 1, 2), 1 To 1)
         End If
        If Not IsEmpty(vA3) Then
            ReDim vA33(1 To .Combin(UBound(vA3) + 1, 2), 1 To 1)
            ReDim vA33B(1 To .Combin(UBound(vA3) + 1, 2), 1 To 1)
         End If
'third part - creating combinations for each column
        For vN = 0 To UBound(vA)
            vC = 1
            If Not IsEmpty(vA(vN)) Then
                v2U = .RoundUp(.Combin(UBound(vA(vN)) + 1, 2) / 2, 0)
                For vN1 = 1 To v2U
                    For vN2 = 1 To UBound(vA(vN)) - vB
                        vR = vR + 1
                        Select Case vN
                            Case 0
                                vA11(vR, 1) = vA(vN)(vN1, 1)
                                vA11B(vR, 1) = vA(vN)(vC, 1)
                            Case 1
                                vA22(vR, 1) = vA(vN)(vN1, 1)
                                vA22B(vR, 1) = vA(vN)(vC, 1)
                            Case 2
                                vA33(vR, 1) = vA(vN)(vN1, 1)
                                vA33B(vR, 1) = vA(vN)(vC, 1)
                        End Select
                        vC = vC + 1
                    Next vN2
                    vB = vB + 1
                    vC = vB + 1
                Next vN1
            End If
            vB = 0
            vR = 0
        Next vN
    End With
'fourth part - display on the sheet
    vAA = Array(vA11, vA22, vA33, vA11B, vA22B, vA33B)
    With Sheets("DailyMealMacro")
        b = 2
        For vN = 0 To UBound(vA)
            If Not IsEmpty(vA(vN)) Then
                .Cells(7, 3 + a).Resize(UBound(vAA(vN))) = vAA(vN)
                .Cells(7, 3 + b).Resize(UBound(vAA(vN + 3))) = vAA(vN + 3)
                a = a + 4
                b = b + 4
            End If
        Next vN

    End With
End Sub
Upvote 0
Hmm unfortunately it`s still a bit off.
Whilst from a list of 14 items divided into 3 groups (blue/orange/gold) I am getting unique combinations for each group, each combination is still limited to 2 (see pic below)

My situation would be such that each group might require combinations of more than 2 items (e.g. 1-1-3) & the amount of items in a combination might also be different (example: 5 items in blue group but need combinations of 2, whilst 4 items in orange/brown group but need combinations of 3)..

The combinations of each individual group are also not being done against each other.

Below is just a part of the output i would require (assuming i wanted just 2 items in each group). As you can see the combinations will run into the high 1000s


Here is another example where i changed the number of combinations in some of the groups

Upvote 0
@mikiel111, thanks for the PM ....

Here's one way you could do this - input highlighted yellow. If you get #SPILL! errors for bigger datasets, insert more rows/columns as required.

2Item 11Item 1Item 1Item 4Item 8Item 8
3Item 21Item 1Item 2Item 5Item 8Item 9
4Item 31Item 1Item 3Item 6Item 9Item 9
5Item 42Item 2Item 2Item 7
6Item 52Item 2Item 3
7Item 62Item 3Item 3
8Item 72
9Item 83
10Item 93
19CombinationsItem 1Item 1Item 4Item 8Item 8
20Item 1Item 1Item 4Item 8Item 9
21Item 1Item 1Item 4Item 9Item 9
22Item 1Item 1Item 5Item 8Item 8
23Item 1Item 1Item 5Item 8Item 9
24Item 1Item 1Item 5Item 9Item 9
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43Item 1Item 3Item 4Item 8Item 8
44Item 1Item 3Item 4Item 8Item 9
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46Item 1Item 3Item 5Item 8Item 8
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48Item 1Item 3Item 5Item 9Item 9
49Item 1Item 3Item 6Item 8Item 8
50Item 1Item 3Item 6Item 8Item 9
51Item 1Item 3Item 6Item 9Item 9
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Cell Formulas
Dynamic array formulas.
Named Ranges
NameRefers ToCells
Group=Sheet1!$B$2:$B$10J19, G19, D19, J2, G2, D2, C15, A15
Items=Sheet1!$A$2:$A$10J2, G2, D2
Repeats=Sheet1!$B$12J19, G19, D19, J2, G2, D2, C15
Sizes=Sheet1!$B$15:INDEX(Sheet1!$B:$B,ROW(Sheet1!$B$15)+ROWS(Sheet1!$A$15#)-1)J19, J2, G19, G2, D19, D2, C15

VBA Code:
Function DoIt(vIn As Variant, p As Long, bComb As Boolean, bRepet As Boolean) As Variant()

    Dim vResult As Variant, vResultAll As Variant, vElements() As Variant
    Dim lrow As Long, lTotal As Long, r As Long, c As Long, count As Long
    'Convert 2D range/array to 1D array
    On Error Resume Next
    vIn = vIn.Value2
    On Error GoTo 0
    ReDim vElements(1 To UBound(vIn) * UBound(vIn, 2))
    For c = 1 To UBound(vIn, 2)
        For r = 1 To UBound(vIn)
            count = count + 1
            vElements(count) = vIn(r, c)
        Next r
    Next c
    With Application
        If bComb Then
            lTotal = .Combin(UBound(vElements) + IIf(bRepet, p - 1, 0), p)
            If bRepet = False Then lTotal = .Permut(UBound(vElements), p) Else lTotal = UBound(vElements) ^ p
        End If
    End With
    ReDim vResult(1 To p)
    ReDim vResultAll(1 To lTotal, 1 To p)
    Call CombPermNP(vElements, p, bComb, bRepet, vResult, lrow, vResultAll, 1, 1)
    DoIt = vResultAll
End Function
Sub CombPermNP(ByVal vElements As Variant, ByVal p As Integer, ByVal bComb As Boolean, ByVal bRepet As Boolean, _
                             ByVal vResult As Variant, ByRef lrow As Long, ByRef vResultAll As Variant, ByVal iElement As Integer, ByVal iIndex As Integer)
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, bSkip As Boolean
    For i = IIf(bComb, iElement, 1) To UBound(vElements)
        bSkip = False
        ' in case of permutation without repetition makes sure the element is not yet used
        If (Not bComb) And Not bRepet Then
            For j = 1 To p
                If vElements(i) = vResult(j) And Not IsEmpty(vResult(j)) Then
                    bSkip = True
                    Exit For
                End If
        End If
        If Not bSkip Then
            vResult(iIndex) = vElements(i)
            If iIndex = p Then
                lrow = lrow + 1
                For j = 1 To p
                    vResultAll(lrow, j) = vResult(j)
                Next j
                Call CombPermNP(vElements, p, bComb, bRepet, vResult, lrow, vResultAll, i + IIf(bComb And bRepet, 0, 1), iIndex + 1)
            End If
        End If
    Next i

End Sub
This is the code which gives me the unique combinations & here is the file Box (credit goes to user StephenCrump for it)
Thanks, but as I noted here: unique combinations generator ...

credit for the starting code goes to @pgc01, from this thread: Combination, Repeats (AAB,BBC) allowed, Repeats (AAC,ACA,CAA) only considered as One
Last edited:
Upvote 0
After I have been deeper studying your last post, I have change your code and it seems now it's a little bit closer to your request.

VBA Code:
    Dim vA, p1 As Long, p2 As Long, p3 As Long, vN As Integer
    Dim lrow As Long

Sub DoIt()

    Dim vElements As Variant, vResult As Variant, vResultAll As Variant
    Dim lTotal As Long, p, p1 As Long, p2 As Long, p3 As Long, i As Long, NoRows As Long
    Dim bComb As Boolean, bRepet As Boolean
    Dim rng As Range, vA1, vA2, vA3, vAA, vAFinal()
    Dim vN2 As Long, vC As Integer
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    With Worksheets("MealList")
        Set vA1 = .[A1:B10]
        Set vA2 = .[A11:B20]
        Set vA3 = .[A21:B30]
        p1 = 2
        p2 = 2
        p3 = 2
        vA = Array(p1, p2, p3)
        vAA = Array(vA1.Address, vA2.Address, vA3.Address)
        vC = 1
    End With
    For vN = 0 To UBound(vA)
        With Worksheets("MealList")
            Set rng = .Range(vAA(vN))
            vElements = Application.Index(Application.Transpose(rng), 1, 0)
        End With
        p = vA(vN) 'Number of elements in combination
        bComb = True
        bRepet = True
        With Application
            If bComb Then
                lTotal = .Combin(UBound(vElements) + IIf(bRepet, p - 1, 0), p)
                If bRepet = False Then lTotal = .Permut(UBound(vElements), p) Else lTotal = UBound(vElements) ^ p
            End If
        End With
        ReDim vResult(1 To p)
        ReDim vResultAll(1 To lTotal, 1 To p)
        ReDim vAFinal(1 To lTotal, 1 To 1)
        Call CombPermNP(vElements, p, True, True, vResult, lrow, vResultAll, 1, 1)
        With Worksheets("DailyMealMacro").Range("StartRow")
            NoRows = .End(xlDown).Row - .Row + 1
            For i = 0 To p - 1
                .Offset(, vC).Resize(NoRows).ClearContents
                For vN2 = 1 To UBound(vResultAll)
                    vAFinal(vN2, 1) = vResultAll(vN2, i + 1)
                .Cells(.Row, vC).Resize(UBound(vResultAll), 1) = vAFinal
                vC = vC + 2
                lrow = 0
            Next i
         End With
    Next vN
End Sub

Sub CombPermNP(ByVal vElements As Variant, ByVal p As Integer, ByVal bComb As Boolean, ByVal bRepet As Boolean, _
                             ByVal vResult As Variant, ByRef lrow As Long, ByRef vResultAll As Variant, ByVal iElement As Integer, ByVal iIndex As Integer)

    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, bSkip As Boolean
    For i = IIf(bComb, iElement, 1) To UBound(vElements)
        bSkip = False
        ' in case of permutation without repetition makes sure the element is not yet used
        If (Not bComb) And Not bRepet Then
            For j = 1 To p
                If vElements(i) = vResult(j) And Not IsEmpty(vResult(j)) Then
                    bSkip = True
                    Exit For
                End If
        End If
        If Not bSkip Then
            vResult(iIndex) = vElements(i)
            If iIndex = p Then
                lrow = lrow + 1
                For j = 1 To p
                    vResultAll(lrow, j) = vResult(j)
                Next j
                Call CombPermNP(vElements, p, bComb, bRepet, vResult, lrow, vResultAll, i + IIf(bComb And bRepet, 0, 1), iIndex + 1)
            End If
        End If
    Next i
End Sub
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